Photograph Contact Sheets from January 11-12, 2001

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Photograph Contact Sheets from January 11-12, 2001


Photographs for January 11, 2001 are as follows:
Greeting artist Simmie Knox and viewing a Presidential portrait in the Map Room
Departing from Andrews Air Force Base for Dover, NH.
Arriving at Dover Airport in NH.
Addressing the people of Dover at Dover High School in New Hampshire
Interview with Mark Knoller of CBS at Dover High School
President Clinton visiting the Merrimack Diner in Manchester, NH.
President Clinton departing Manchester, NH.
President Clinton arriving at Northeastern University in Boston, MA.
Remarks at Northeastern University
Departing Boston at Logan Airport
Interviewing with Steve Holland and Debbie Charles of Reuters News on Air Force One
Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a taping with Martha Stewart for the Martha Stewart Show in the Blue Room, Red Room and State Floor
Hillary Rodham Clinton delivering remarks at the White House Conference on Philanthropy
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting and greeting Philanthropy conference attendees
Remarks by staff for Mark Lindsay's farewell reception in the White House Mess
Neal Lane delivering remarks at a party for the Office of Science and Technology in the Indian Treaty Room

Photographs for January 12, 2001 are as follows:
Delivering a statement on the economy from the South Lawn
Briefing by Secretary Lawrence Summers and others in the Oval Office
Meeting and greeting the Council of Economic Advisors staff in the Oval Office
Signing a document with Martin Daily and Council of Economic Advisers present in the Oval Office
Working on radio address with Terry Edmonds and Bruce Reed in the Oval Office

To request a high resolution scan of a photograph please email us at and refer to the photo by its Clinton Presidential photograph identifier, found in the caption of the photo with date and description if possible.


William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum


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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from January 11-12, 2001,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed February 2, 2025,