Photograph Contact Sheets from May 5-8, 1993

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Photograph Contact Sheets from May 5-8, 1993


Photographs from May 5, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton addressing a ceremony for National Nurses Week in the Rose Garden
President Clinton talking with Sec. Donna Shalala, Dee Dee Myers, and Virginia Trotter Betts and others before the Nurses’ event in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Sec. Lloyd Bentsen in the Oval Office
President Clinton attending a reception for “Latino USA” at the Sequoia restaurant in Washington, DC
President Clinton talking with Sec. Federico Pena and Sec. Henry Cisneros at the Sequoia restaurant
President Clinton, VP Gore, Rep. Tom Foley, Sen. George Mitchell, Sen. Robert Dole, Rep. Richard Gephardt, Sen. Alan Simpson, Sen. Steny Hoyer, Sen. Thad Cochran, Rep. Newt Gingrich, Sen. David Pryor and others participating in bipartisan leadership meeting in the Cabinet Room
Betty Currie, Wendy Smith, Stephanie Streett, Andrew Friendly, Nancy Hernreich, Kelly Crawford and Kelly Craighead posing with a birthday cake in the West Wing
Photographs from May 6, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton jogging with Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Rep. Sanford Bishop and Rep. Mike Kreidler at Hains Point in Washington, DC
President Clinton working and being photographed by NBC News for a special television program on the “Day in the Life of President Clinton” in the Oval Office
President Clinton talking with Tom Brokaw of NBC News in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with congressional representatives on health care reform at the U.S. Capitol
Hillary Rodham Clinton attending a Senate Committee meeting on Aging at the Hart Senate Office building on Capitol Hill
President Clinton addressing the Export Import Bank Conference at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC
President Clinton meeting with VP Gore, Tony Lake, Mack McLarty, Sandy Berger and Leon Fuerth in the Oval Office (photos shot through the Oval Office window)
Socks the cat playing on the South grounds of the White House
President Clinton conferring with VP Gore, Dee Dee Myers, George Stephanopoulos, Andrew Friendly, Sandy Berger, Tony Lake, Marcia Hale and others in the Oval Office
President Clinton working alone and with Mack McLarty in the Oval Office
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a Congressional health care luncheon with VP Gore, Sen. John Danforth, Sen. Orrin Hatch, Sen. Robert Dole, Sen. William Cohen, Sen. Bob Packwood, Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, Sen. John Chaffee, Sen. Dave Durenberger, Ira Magaziner, Howard Paster and others in the Old Family Dining Room
President Clinton greeting country music performer Kenny Rogers in the Map Room
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a portrait session being done by Kenny Rogers in the Map Room
President Clinton talking with Nancy Soderberg in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Rep. Dave McCurdy in the West Wing
President Clinton greeting Stan Musial in the Oval Office
President Clinton, VP Gore, and Tom Brokaw walking through the Rose Garden toward the residence
President Clinton greeting Shannon Marie Hilbert, Goodwill Industries National Graduate of the Year, in the Oval Office
President Clinton participating in the Commander-In-Chief Trophy ceremony to the 1992 U.S. Air Force Academy football team in the Rose Garden
Hillary Rodham Clinton having tea with Lisa Caputo, Maggie Williams and Michael Kelly in the White House Garden area
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton talking with Tom Brokaw of NBC News in the Oval Office
President Clinton walking along the Colonnade with Tom Brokaw
President Clinton working alone at his desk in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting Doug and Linda Marlette, Gen. Colin Powell and Sec. Les Aspin in the Oval Office
President Clinton participating in an interview with Tom Brokaw of NBC News on the South Lawn
President Clinton talking with Tom Brokaw, Tim Russert and George Stephanopoulos on the South Lawn grounds
Photographs from May 7, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton delivering a statement on campaign finance reform with VP Gore, Rep. Tom Foley, Sen. Wendell Ford, Sen. George Mitchell, Sen. David Boren and others on the South Lawn
President Clinton greeting students from Kerr-Vance Academy from Henderson, North Carolina in the Rose Garden
President Clinton standing in the Oval Office and talking with VP Gore, Mack McLarty and George Stephanopoulos
President Clinton greeting three guests in the Ground Floor residence and receiving a bronze bust from the guests
President Clinton and VP Gore meeting with Prime Minister Rasmussen of Denmark and EC Commission President Jacques Delors in the Oval Office and in addition participating in an expanded meeting in the Cabinet Room
President Clinton providing a tour of the White House to Prime Minister Rasmussen and President Delors
Photographs from May 8, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton meeting in the Roosevelt Room with VP Gore, Sec. Warren Christopher, Sec. Les Aspin, James Woolsey, Gen. Colin Powell, Tony Lake, Mack McLarty and others regarding the situation in Bosnia
President Clinton delivering a radio address (campaign finance reform is the focus) in the Oval Office with George Stephanopoulos, Dee Dee Myers and others present

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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from May 5-8, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 8, 2025,