Photo Contact Sheets from April 16-20, 1993

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Photo Contact Sheets from April 16-20, 1993


Photographs from April 16, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton and VP Gore dropping by a meeting in the Roosevelt Room regarding the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa
President Clinton and Prime Minister Miyazawa having a luncheon meeting in the Old Family Dining Room
President Clinton and Prime Minister Miyazawa delivering a joint press conference in the East Room
Tipper Gore meeting with Marilyn Jacanin in the White House Photo Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton talking with Today Show reporter Katie Couric in the Rose Garden
Hillary Rodham Clinton departing the White House for Andrews Air Force Base for a trip to Nebraska
Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving at Lincoln Municipal Airport in Nebraska
Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in health care forums and workshops at the University of Nebraska
Hillary Rodham Clinton departing Lincoln, Nebraska for Billings, Montana
Hillary Rodham Clinton attending an Indian Health Care Forum and visiting a YWCA in Billings, Montana
President Clinton participating in a videotaping session for organizations in the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)
President Clinton reading aboard Marine One en route to Andrews Air Force Base for a departure to Pittsburgh
Photographs from April 17, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton delivering weekly radio address in the Director's Suite at the Pittsburgh International Airport (While at the radio address the President learns of the Rodney King verdict)
President Clinton participating in interviews with media at the Pittsburgh airport
President Clinton delivering his speech on the economic stimulus package to the people of Pittsburgh at the airport
President Clinton departing Pittsburgh for Andrews Air Force Base
President Clinton golfing at Andrews Air Force Base with Rep. John Murtha, William Putnam and Charles Horner
Bruce Lindsey and Andrew Friendly working in the West Wing
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing the Montana Citizens Health Group Forum in Great Falls, Montana
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting students and guests at West Elementary School (the site of the health care forum)
Hillary Rodham Clinton talking with Kelly Craighead, Melanne Verveer, Lisa Caputo, Sen. Max Baucus and others on the flight leaving Montana en route to Andrews Air Force Base
Photographs from April 18, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting tourists at the North Lawn fence and walking the White House Grounds for the Spring Garden tour
Photographs from April 19, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton in the Oval Office and Outer Oval Office watching television news coverage of the fire at the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas (present in the Oval Office are Bruce Lindsey, Mack McLarty, George Stephanopoulos, Mark Grobmyer and others)
President Clinton addressing the Building and Construction Trades Union, AFL-CIO building in Washington, DC
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Queen Noor of Jordan in the Red Room
President Clinton congratulating the NCAA champion Maine Black Bears hockey team in a Rose Garden Ceremony
President Clinton jogging in Washington, DC
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Ann Bartley in the West Wing and Oval Office
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Governor John Waihee of Hawaii and others in the Oval Office
President Clinton touring the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC
Photographs from April 20, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton and Sen. Harris Wofford jogging near the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool in Washington, DC
President Clinton and Sen. Wofford greeting National Service Youth at the South Portico
President Clinton talking on the telephone in the Oval Office with President Francois Mitterand of France (Marcia Hale and Nancy Soderberg are present)
Ira Magaziner addressing a group of Nursing School heads in the Indian Treaty Room
President Clinton talking with Rep. Dan Rostenkowski in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting a group of Arkansas bankers in the Rose Garden
President Clinton participating in a Rose Garden ceremony honoring Teacher of Year Tracey Leon Bailey

To request a high resolution scan of a photograph please email us at [email protected] and refer to the photo by its Clinton Presidential photograph identifier, found in the caption of the photo with date and description if possible.


William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum


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White House Photograph Office, “Photo Contact Sheets from April 16-20, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,