Photograph Contact Sheets from March 19, April 4-6, 1993

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Photograph Contact Sheets from March 19, April 4-6, 1993


Photographs from March 19, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton greeting guests on the South Lawn on his departure for Atlanta
President Clinton arriving on the South Lawn from trip to Atlanta
Photographs from April 1, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton arriving at Portland International Airport in Oregon
Photographs from April 2, 1993 are as follows:
Gene Sperling, Loretta Avent, Roger Altman and Shirley Sagawa addressing the National Order of Women Legislators in the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)
Photographs from April 3, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton meeting with Sandy Berger, Strobe Talbott and Tony Lake on Air Force One en route to Vancouver, British Columbia
President Clinton arriving at Vancouver International Airport (British Columbia, Canada) and participating in a arrival ceremony with Prime Minister and Mrs. Brian Mulroney
Russian President Boris Yeltsin arriving at Vancouver International Airport (President Clinton is not present for this arrival)
President Clinton participating in a bilateral discussion with Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney at the University President's residence in Vancouver
President Clinton and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney participating in press availability in Vancouver
President Clinton, Prime Minister Mulroney and President Yeltsin participating in a trilateral luncheon in Vancouver (Sec. Warren Christopher and Tony Lake are present)
President Clinton and President Yeltsin participating in a bilateral meeting in Vancouver (Nancy Soderberg and Strobe Talbott are present)
President Clinton participating in a working dinner with President Yeltsin at Seasons Restaurant in Vancouver (Dinner Participants: Sec. Lloyd Bentsen, Sec. Warren Christopher, Tony Lake, Strobe Talbott, George Stephanopoulos, and Mack McLarty)
Photographs from April 4, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton jogging with Gen. John Gordon and Gen. Barry McCaffrey at Stanley Park, Vancouver
President Clinton and President Yeltsin participating in a bilateral news conference at Canada Place Press Center in Vancouver
President Clinton participating in a bilateral discussion with President Yeltsin at Five Sails Restaurant, Canada Place in Vancouver
President Clinton visiting a gift shop at Vancouver International Airport
President Clinton greeting children, police, and others before departing from Vancouver International Airport
President Clinton boarding Air Force One on departure from Vancouver, British Columbia
President Clinton with staff on Air Force One en route to Washington, DC
Photographs from April 5, 1993 are as follows:
Views of drawing/rendering of the Clinton's 25th Georgetown Class Reunion on the South Lawn
President Clinton riding the "MARC" train to Baltimore for the Baltimore Orioles opening day baseball game
President Clinton greeting Baltimore Orioles players, Texas Rangers players, and baseball umpires in the stadium locker room
President Clinton warming up and playing catch with Orioles player at Camden Yards, Baltimore
President Clinton throwing the ceremonial first pitch for the baseball game in Baltimore
President Clinton visiting the broadcast booth and greeting fans and officials at the stadium
President Clinton returning via Marine One from Baltimore on the South Lawn
Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a health care meeting with VP Gore, Tipper Gore, Ira Magaziner, Leon Panetta, Bob Rubin, Carol Rasco, Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Sec. Donna Shalala and others in the West Wing
Photographs from April 6, 1993 are as follows:
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak arriving at the North Porte Cochere entrance of the West Wing
President Clinton and President Mubarak participating in a meeting in the Oval Office and an expanded meeting in the Cabinet Room (participants include: VP Gore, Sec. Warren Christopher, Tony Lake, Martin Indyk, Ed Djerejian and Egyptian ministers)
President Clinton and President Mubarak holding joint press availability in the East Room
President Mubarak departing at the South Portico and his motorcade departing the South grounds
Barbara Kinney, White House Photographer, holding Socks the cat on the South Lawn
Socks the cat sitting and walking on the South Lawn
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing the Liz Carpenter lectureship event at the Erwin Center on the campus of the University of Texas
Hillary Rodham Clinton participating at the lectureship with Lady Bird Johnson and Gov. Ann Richards
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting students, faculty and guests at the Erwin Center
Hillary Rodham Clinton playing a Nintendo "Game Boy" video game on the flight from Austin en route to Washington, DC

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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from March 19, April 4-6, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,