Photograph Contact Sheets from March 12, 15-18, 1993

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Photograph Contact Sheets from March 12, 15-18, 1993


Photographs from March 12, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton greeting staff and others on departing from the South Lawn to Norfolk, VA
President Clinton disembarking from Marine One on the South Lawn after returning from his trip to the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt in Norfolk, VA
Photographs from March 15, 1993 are as follows:
Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving at the Iowa National Guard Unit Airport in Des Moines, IA
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sec. Donna Shalala participating in a conversation on health care at the Des Moines Community College, Ankeny Campus in Des Moines, IA
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sen. Tom Harkin, and Sec. Donna Shalala participating in a health care discussion with local families at the Lehman Farm in Slater, IA
Photographs from March 16, 1993 are as follows:
Socks the cat in the Usher's Office
President Clinton participating in a bipartisan leadership meeting with Rep. Bob Michel, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Sen. Robert Byrd, Rep. Richard Armey, Sen. Thad Cochran, Rep. Richard Gephardt, Rep. Steny Hoyer, Rep. Tom Foley, and Sen. George Mitchell in the Cabinet Room
President Clinton meeting with Western Senators including: Sen. Max Baucus, Sen. George Mitchell, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Sen. Kent Conrad, Sen. Tom Daschle, Sen. Byron Dorgan, Sen. James Exon, Sen. Tom Harkin, Sen. Richard Bryan, Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Sen. Jim Sasser in the Roosevelt Room
President Clinton meeting with Valeriy Zorkin, President of the Russian Constitutional Court, in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Coretta Scott King, Dr. Ronald Quincy, and Lloyd Davis in the West Wing
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing the Western Hemispheric First Ladies Tea in the State Dining Room
President Clinton meeting with President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti in the Oval Office
President Clinton meeting in the Oval Office with VP Gore, Sec. Warren Christopher, Tony Lake and Sandy Berger
President Clinton and VP Gore meeting with the Hispanic Caucus in the Roosevelt Room
President Clinton meeting with Coretta Scott King, Alexis Herman and others in the Oval Office
President Clinton addressing the American Ireland Fund dinner at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC
President Clinton greeting Jean Kennedy Smith, Sen. and Mrs. Ted Kennedy, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward at the American Ireland Fund dinner at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC
Leon Panetta joking with Mack McLarty, Howard Paster, Betty Currie, Andrew Friendly and Bob Rubin in the Outer Oval Office
Photographs from March 17, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton and Richard Mays jogging near the U.S. Capitol
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Rep. Dan Rostenkowski and House Ways and Means Committee members at the U.S. Capitol
Hillary Rodham Clinton having tea with Mrs. Leah Rabin in the Map Room
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting White House Butler James Ramsey, President Clinton and VP Gore addressing members of the Electronics Industry Association in the Indian Treaty Room (Old Executive Office Building)
President Clinton dropping by a meeting of the National Council of Senior Citizens in the Old Executive Office Building
President Clinton and Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds meeting in the Oval Office
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Prime Minister Reynolds greeting Kevin O'Keefe, Sen. Ted Kennedy, Jean Kennedy Smith and Rep. Joe Kennedy in the Oval Office
President Clinton receiving a crystal bowl of Shamrocks from Prime Minister Reynolds of Ireland in the Roosevelt Room
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Maggie Williams, Lisa Caputo, Evelyn Lieberman, Capricia Marshall and Patti Solis in the West Wing
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Jane Fonda and Ted Turner in the West Wing
President Clinton meeting with Jane Fonda and Ted Turner in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton attending the Indian Health Summit at the Russell Senate Office building at the U.S. Capitol
Hillary Rodham Clinton walking along the White House Colonnade with Karen Finney, Melanne Verveer and Kelly Craighead
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Rep. Jack Brooks at the U.S. Capitol
President Clinton talking on the telephone with President Francois Mitterrand of France in the Oval Office
President Clinton participating in a Friends of Ireland St. Patrick's Day luncheon at the U.S. Capitol
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Sidney Pollack in the Oval Office
President Clinton, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and VP Gore participating in a health care reform meeting in the Roosevelt Room
Photographs from March 18, 1993 are as follows:
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Jim Burke and Carol Rasco in the West Wing
President Clinton and VP Gore meeting with Democratic Senators: Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, Sen. Paul Wellstone, Sen. Paul Simon, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Sen. Ted Kennedy, and Sen. Carl Levin, Sen. George Mitchell, Sen. Paul Sarbanes, Sen. Patty Murray and Sen. Howard Metzenbaum in the Roosevelt Room
President Clinton arriving at the Department of Treasury and greeting Sec. Lloyd Bentsen and Deputy Secretary Roger Altman
President Clinton touring the Treasury department offices and greeting staff
President Clinton walking back to the White House from the Treasury department
President Clinton having lunch with VP Gore in the Oval Office Dining area
Howard Paster talking with Betty Currie in the Outer Oval Office
President Clinton and VP Gore addressing the Black Publishers Association in the State Dining Room
Uniformed Division Secret Service agents arresting protesters in the Grand Foyer of the White House (Protesting the hazardous waste incinerator in East Liverpool, Ohio)
Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in informal discussions regarding health care with Rep. Charles Stenholm, Rep. Lewis Payne, and Rep. Michael Andrews at the U.S. Capitol
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Sen. Bob Kerrey in his U.S. Capitol office
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Rep. Mel Reynolds in his U.S. Capitol office
Hillary Rodham Clinton petting Socks the cat on the South Lawn and in the Outer Oval Office.

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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from March 12, 15-18, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 8, 2025,