Photograph Contact Sheets from February 21-25, 1993

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Photograph Contact Sheets from February 21-25, 1993


Photographs for February 21, 1993 are as follows:
Arriving in Los Angeles and met by Mayor Tom Bradley, Representative Maxine Waters and others
Arriving at Santa Monica College and participating in a question and answer session with students
Greeting police and departing Los Angeles en route to Moffett Field Naval Air Station in San Jose, CA
Photographs for February 22, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton and Vice President Gore visiting, touring and addressing employees at Silicon Graphics in Silicon Valley, CA
Greeting military personnel and others on departing Moffett Field Naval Air Station en route to Seattle
Arriving at Paine Field in Seattle, WA and met by Boeing CEO Frank Schrontz, Governor Booth Gardner and others
Visiting and addressing employees at Boeing Aircraft Hangar 40-23 in Everett, WA
Departing Seattle enroute to Andrews Air Force Base
Photographs for February 23, 1993 are as follows:
Arriving on the South Lawn from a trip to California and Washington
Addressing the United States Chamber of Commerce National Business Action Rally in Washington, DC
Greeting Hershel Gober, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and Arkansas Legionnaires in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with the Women's Congressional Caucus at the U.S. Capitol
Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a press conference with Representative Pat Schroeder and Representative Olympia Snowe at the U.S. Capitol
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting individually with Representatives, Fortney "Pete" Stark, Henry Waxman and Pat Williams
President Clinton and Vice President Gore meeting with United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Gali in the Oval Office (Tony Lake , Sandy Berger are also present at meeting)
Photographs for February 24, 1993 are as follows:
Greeting tourists on the tour line at the White House ground floor entrance
Meeting with actress Jane Alexander in the West Wing
Welcoming British Prime Minister John Major to the White House for a working visit
President Clinton and Prime Minister Major having a bilateral meeting in the Oval Office (Prime Minister Major's motorcade arriving with military honor guards present show in photographs)
Participating in a briefing by Eli Segal, George Stephanopoulos, Melanne Verveer, Mark Gearan, and others in the Roosevelt Room
Hillary Rodham Clinton posing for a group photo at a luncheon at the Cedars in McClean, VA
Greeting a student from the Lakeside Gifted program of Hot Springs, AR
President Clinton and Prime Minister Major delivering press statements in the East Room
President Clinton, Prime Minister Major, Vice President Gore, Sir Roderick Butler, Ambassador Robin Renwick, Tony Lake, Stephen Walland, and others having a working dinner in the Old Family Dining Room
Greeting and meeting with working dinner principals in the Red Room
Talking alone with Andrew Friendly in the Oval Office
Talking with Vice President Gore in the Oval Office (photos shot through Oval Office window and show Remington sculpture, "The Bronco Buster")
Standing alone at his desk in the Oval Office
Greeting Rick Sterns and Ira Magaziner in the West Wing
Photographs for February 25, 1993 are as follows:
Jogging at Hains Point in Washington, DC
Dee Dee Myers briefing the press in the Press Briefing Room
Hillary Rodham meeting with Dr. Steven Schroder, President of the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation in the West Wing
President Clinton and Vice President Gore participating in a meeting with the Business Council in the Indian Treaty Room
Greeting business leaders in the hallway of the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)
Meeting and being briefed by Rahm Emanuel and Alexis Herman for a CEO/Labor Press Conference
President Clinton and Vice President Gore addressing the Chief Executive Officers Labor Press Conference in Room 450, OEOB (participants at the press conference include: Red Poling, Lane Kirkland, Kathryn Thompson, Jim Jones, Lod Cook, John Belk, John Bryan, Jr., August Busch, Emma Chappell, Bob Crandall, Robert Denham, Al Shanker, John Sculley, and others)
Meeting with Vice President Gore, Mack Mclarty, Marcia Hale, George Stephanopoulos, James Carville, Dee Dee Myers, Bruce Lindsey, Paul Begala and Ricki Seidman in the Oval Office
Greeting Jacques Cousteau, Senator Paul Simon, Senator Sam Nunn, Representative Joe Kennedy and others in the West Lobby
Signing the "National Future Farmers of America Organization Awareness Week" proclamation in an East Room ceremony
President Clinton joining members of the Wine Institute for a group photo on the Grand Foyer staircase for celebrating American Wine Appreciation Week
Meeting with a "Close Up" group of students from El Dorado High School, El Dorado, AR
Greeting astronauts in the Oval Office who flew aboard the Space Shuttle STS-54 Endeavor Inaugural week (participants include: Col. John Casper, Commander, Col. Don McMonagle, Pilot, Greg Harbaugh, Mission Specialist, Lt. Commander Mario Runco, Jr., Mission Specialist, Capt. Susan Helms, Mission Specialist, and Dan Goldin, NASA Administrator)
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Tipper Gore participating in a Tea with local DC television reporters in the Blue Room

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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from February 21-25, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,