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- Dr. LySOV\ NEe PENSION MEETING Monday, April 8 • I. Overview of Proposal and Event A. B. II. Major Pension Speech and Initiative End of Week Part of Continuing Rollout of State of The Union Economic Security Proposal·· Elements of Proposal
- State of the Union Address January 23, 1996
- · 01/17/96 17:49 rg, 001 HOUSE OF' REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON, O. C. 20616-6634 WU.SON LlVlNGOOO SI:"!"'~NT ",T D~ar AFHHi January 16, 1996 Ms. Rasco: The President ofthe United States will deliver his State of the Union Address to a Joint
- E X E CUT IV E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E NT 24-Jan-1996:11:50am TO: FROM: Kathryn Higgins .Carol H. Rasco Policy Council ,Do~estic CC: CC.: Evelyn S. ~ieberman~ FYI Patricia E. Romani SUBJECT: Meeting request Now that the State
- of our ideas to'present to the President relat ly soon: perhaps a factor in the FY97 budget and in the State of the Union. Attendees: Rasco, Reed, Ben-Ami, Dim9ndj Riley, Holleman, Terry We did Peterson. Mike Smith is out of town or would
- c¥r\~~l Carol, H~W nice to find your message! I loved state of the union address. It was extremely well done was genius to introduc'e the man from Oklahoma City and then explain that. had been put out of work .ren the govt.) closed down! I
- '" Sulte 500 , Wash'mgton, D,C. 20002-4267 (202) 682-0100 E ' .1 ; "",,, " " 1 ••' .: .. ": !, Carol Rasco/APWA Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 11, 1994 2:30 p.m. 1. Preview of the state of the Union Address 2. Preview
- State of the Union Address Radio Calls 25 Jan. 1995 8:30 - 10:00am
- Post-State of the Union Media Rollout January 24 & 25th '96
- l' L '/ l TBE WHITE BOUSE Office of Media Affairs January 23, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR CAROL RASCO FROM PEGGY LEWIS RE STATE OF THE UNION SPECIALTY PRESS OUTRE CH Thank you for agreeing to call the folIo 'ng African American newspapers as part
- : Welfare Reform Conference Call with Former Governor Lamm Women's Caucus Dinner: Citronelle Restaurant' Interdepartment Task Force on HIV/AIDS Health Care Meeting: Long-Term Care (Alan Solomont) State of the Union Address: Radio Calls NGA Winter Meeting
- and Implementation Strategy No decisions - discuss 'at-this meeting Longer memo proposed a series of steps: -State of the Union (optional) -Presidential Directive (to provide general direction) -DOJ/INS, Labor etc. submits rollout proposals to you that would
- the President's State of the Union will be funded at $2 billion over seven years. his week .. Brownf Ids tax expensing Treasury and which was Address. This incentive I details will be decided PROPOSAL The proposal a second round would cost
- stance is the choice, then there is the communications question of whether he reveals in interviews or remarks, as part of the State of the Union, etc. o After President made statement, strategy could include high-level surrogates o Probably requires
- . PURPOSE The putpose of todaY'sevents is to demonstrate action on a c~ntral issue raised in both this year's and last year's State ,of the Union -- teen pregnancy. You will first be meeting with people working at the state and local level to, highlight
New York Trip Winter 1996
- Clinton's challenge issued in his 1995 State of the Union address that "parents and leaders all across the country ... join together in a national campaign, against teen pregnancy to make a difference." A follow-up meeting was held at the White House
- , students, states, communities, and corporations. .~ , As I said in my State of the Union, this is an age of great possibility. I challenged. ~:)Ur nation to give our children the educational opportunities they need for a new century. The people gathered
- . Unfortunately, anunkriown number of Republican Senators placed "holds" on the bill and made it virtually impossible to bring the bill'up for a vote. The Senate'''logjam'' was broken soon after you referenced the Kennedy-Kassebaum bill in your State of the union
- , their syna gogues, their civic groups, their workplace, they can meet any challenge. " - President Clinton, State of the Union Address January 23, 1996 First Challenge: To Cherish Our Children and Strengthen America's Families Cherishing Our Children
- : A. Church/Grassroots Women . B. Professional Women 4. Clyde Reese's Class 5. .Appointment with Dr. Stern 6. Lunch with Jo Luck 7. Talking Points· - State of the Union ":' - Arkansas (State by ,State) -Affirmative Action Talking Points
- , Training and Reemployment -------- In the State of the Union, Pres1d~rit Clintbn emphasized that we must "give our people the education, training and skills they need to seize the opportunities of tomorrow." In order to carry out this vision, I am
- U.S. C,onference of Mayors' survey reported. Requests for homeless assistance continue to increase, and families and children are a growing proportion of the hon;teless. , In this year's State of the Union Address, the Presitlent ' I laid out seven
- appearance' at a model high-tech school in Uni'on City, NJ to announce his Education~l TechnologyChallenge~und proposal asa major low-up to the .SOTU (he committed to p~~pose, this fund in the America'S Challenge document). I am not sure, whether this event
- and infants :.. All these things are in the national interest. /I -- President Clinton, 1995 State of the Union Address Overview The Health of Our Nation's Children: Hidden Hunger in America Hunger in America is hidden and yet devastating for one in eight
Detroit Trip File [5]
- have a, responsibility to renew and strength~n the ideals, that f'osteredthat unity.' d' " ." . I"· " , , '-:.' :. . Embargoed until 9:00 p.m. EST, January 23, 1996 AMERICA'S, CHALLENGE Presider:zt C!intonJs State of the Union Address
- Meeting w/ Kentucky Gov-elect Patton /'Ii.f..{', ,.," /.~ I ..,I,' C -; ..J
- PREGNANCY ,January 29, 1,996 Today, in a follow-up to the challenge on Ameri~an families the President presented in, ' his State of the Union address last week, the President will discuss the progress that is being made toward launching a national effort
- on Expanding Business Opportunities for Women • Beijing Commitments, ' • Information on the Women's Office • October Memo to Harold on WLF from Betsy Myers 12. State of the Union State of the Union Materials • Administration Accomplishments • 13
- supported your work. 6 • . the President~ lief. llllliHIy for·all of your hard an~artwortt:m~ss towards reaching these goals. Your efforts exemplify what the , . . ' President.spoke. of in this year's· State of the Union -- 'the.importance
- Briefing '- California Economic Summary (talking points) - Farm' Bill Update '" - Methyl Bromide (one-:-pager) 10. Other, -'. - CHR Bio - DPC Mission StatementILong Range Plan' - Clinton Accomplishments - State of the Union information packet
- IS' are less likely to complete high school and more likely to spend time as it single p3(ent during their children's formative -.---years. National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy The National Campaigntha,t you called for ill the State of the Union has
- a difference. We can do this, and we must." President Bill Clinton State of the Union Address January 24, 1995. In his State of the Union Address, President Clintoncalleq for a National Campaign again~t Teen Pregnancy. This campaign has three key components. 1
- -supported research • Increased funding for breast cancer research by 65% • Committed to making abortion safe, legal and rare "" ,. • Revoked Reagan-Bush restrictions on abortion counseling PRESIDENT CLINTON'S STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS: A n
- as the President has ~alled upon Republicans AND Democratics to se,ek common ground ~n the budget and move, forward together to tackle new challenges . . ." . ' .STATE OF THE UNION In the State of ti)eUnion Address the President '" tIiv~-· said
- CLINTON'S STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS: ' AD Age of Possibility January 23, 1996 The PresideDt said: • The State of the Union is strong. • We live in an age of possibility. • B~t, t~ere are many challenges: to strengthen the frumly, lDcrease
- /agreeinent. ' , , , < " , , , C' ' -" ,,' 'I ' I' , ' 1 ,.',' ' . . OFFICE OFTHE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON In the State of the Union, President Clinton challeng6d Congress to paSs the V-dlip and challenged the entertain~nt'iridustfy
- and violence, is one of the seven challenges' you highlighted in the State of the Union. It is one on which we must all work together as a nation. Your speech will touch on some of the Administration's accomplishments in this area, but is designed more to speak
Speech to Nat'l Assoc. of Children's Hospitals & Related Institutions 24 April 1995 10:00 - 10:30am
- to the Congressional leadership and the State of the Union Address, which did mention "kids' coverage." Because this group cares deeply about covering children, I reorganized the section of the speech that discusses the President's health care goals so as not to imply
- in our homes, with parents talking to their children openly and firmly. It embraces our churches and synagogues, our youth groups and our schools. --President Clinton, January 23, 1996 State of the Union Over the past three years, the Clinton
- on President Clinton's . . State"oJ the Union .Address to, 'Congress . :January 23. 1996· .' , . . ,. '. . 1. CHALLENGE ON FAMILIES:Cher~sh our children and str~ngthen the American -family. '.' ' I .' ... 2. -CHALLENGE ON EDUCATION: Renew our
- college to choose Direct Lending. Agenda President Clinton remains committed to education' reform and has vowed to continue h~lping Americans invest in their children's and their nation s future. In his State of t~e Union Address, the President made
- to slow down, they are continuing to rise at three times the rate of inflation. • As the President said in his State of the Union address and in his December letter to the Congressional Leadership, we remain firmly' committed to guaranteeing health
- in families headed by full-time workers. And while health care costs have Begun ,to slow doWn, they. (,U'e continuing to rise at three t~mes the rate of inflation. • . As the President said in his State of the Union address and in his December letter
- a series of public hearings and site visits to promising welfare reform programs around the country. Our goal is to have a welfare reform plan ready by the fall, for introduction late this year or next January, as the centerpiece of your 1994 State
- .CLINTON: WORKING FOR:OtDERAMERICANS " . "Our senior citizens have made 'us what we are." President Clinton, State of the Union, 1995 , . "My position is, I haven 't and don 't suppor~ cuts in SociaL S~curity, and. IwouLd support savings in the Medicare
- " referenced in his State 'of the Union Addre'ss. This is despi.te th~ fact'1:hatthere are over 20 Republican'and 20 Democratic' cosponsors, and the bill was unanimously reported out 'of',the Committee,. 'Hope springs eternal,though. I ,am, an op1:imist'at
- in the State of the Union address and speeches to various gI'OUpS that connect to young people. For example, he can urge the business commwlity to provide jobs (both long-term and summer) and intemships andto get involved in·serious mentoring initiatives
- of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse 01 our , immigration laws we have s~en in recent years, and we must do more to stop it. II' . -- President Clinton . 1995 State of the Union •••••••• . . iLLEGAL IMMIGRATiON -- ANINHERITED PROBLEM
- a series of public hearings and site visits to promising welfare reform programs around the country. Our goal is to have a welfare reform plan ready by the fall, for introduction late this year or next January, as the centerpiece of your 1994 State
- access to health care Challenge on crime and drugs • Community policing • Assault on gangs and drug use· Challenge on tbe environment • Incentives for business to do their part • Community right-to-know . . STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS: . An Age
- .Acknowledgments: Mayor Rice and· Mayor Daley, were my guests at the State of the Union. The two. former mayors who serve in my Cabinet, Henry Cisneros and Federico Pena, also attended. r am gratified that none of them seem the worse for wear
- ' ' .. , ' ". ' , -:... President Clinton, State. of the Union (lddress, January, 25~ .1994; " , ,. \, • , , ' ,,' - ' ' ! . ,- . The President and his Admi~lstration are supporting women
Detroit Trip File [2]
- -456-7300, fax 202-456-7311 12120/95 PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION President Clinton Challenges Americu: PRESIDENT CLINTON'S STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS: An Age of Possibility January 23, 1996 The President said: • The State of the Union is strong
- , , "It is estimated that one million people are on welfare today because it's the only way they can get health care coverage." President Clinton, State of the Union address 1/26/94 "It is estimated that one million people are on welfare chiefly to qualify
- of security. Law enforcement must have special strategies for targeting and controlling the most violent aspects of gangs. As President Clinton emphasized in this year's State of the Union address, the Federal Government has an important role to play
- Accomplishments (general) , -' Clinton Administration A
- on behalf of the President and the First Lady for all of your hard and smart work to make progress towards reaching these goals~ Your efforts exemplify what the. President spoke ·of in this year's State of the Union .,... the importance of working together
- with disabilities? As he said in the State of the Union, the President is committed to work in a bipartisan fashion to put America on the road to health security. He will work with Congress as Democrats and Republicans develop proposals. The President has rriade
- ill I i I I : I ' ' , : ' WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE To President Bill Clinton, Don Baer from Benfajim R, Barber re: State of the Union (partial) (1 page) 001. memo 01/06/95
- on President Clinton's ,State 0/ the, Union Address to Congress January 23, 1~96 . ' I.' CHALLENGE ON FAM'ILIES: 'Cher.ish our children and strengthen the American Family. . I Families are the foundation ,'of Am~rican life. ',The President challenges
- Efforts to Combat Domestic Violence • Talking Points on Expanding Business Opportunities for Women • Beijing Commitments • : Information on the Women's Office • . October Memo to Harold on WLF from Betsy Myers 12. State of the Union • State of the Union
- and, unmarried as the President ' , Q It' wasn t in the bill that vient to the President the f t time was it? MR. REED: No, no. That's something that was in the origina Ho~sebill and the President sihgled, that out in hi$ 1995 State'9f the Union. We had
- , based on your statement in'the State of the Union that we need to give young' ' people something to say "yes" to. The program is a cooperative effort involving Labor, HUD. Iustice, the NEC and the DPe. It authorizes $525 million to test in 10 sites
- --and the responsibility -- to rise as far as their God-given talents and determination can take them and to give something back to their communities in return. That is. the underllying principle of the President's New Covenant, which, as he said in his State of the Union
- say Congress will likely get tfue blueprint in September. Step two, they say, could follow quite l Iquickly. But some sources caution that the plan is so exhaustive ~ may not be released until January 1994, to coincide with the State of the Union
- " Attorney General Reno, and Secretary Rubin announcing the 1996 National Drug Control Strategy. In his State of the Union last January, the President made a ,remark that we all need to keep in the back of our heads at all times. He said "it is hard to be.a
- worrying about what is' happening to ,their children. " . i . State of the Union Address, 1/23/96 , We want reform. President Clinton has repeatedly called for a bipartisan welfare reform bill that's tough on work and responsibility, not tough
- to make Congress live by the laws it puts on other people. Together we can pass welfare reform and health care reform -- that work. I will say more about what I will do to • work with the new Congress in the State of the Union Address in January
- . ' Those are the I key issues that must be, addressed in reforming our I broken welfare system. [ I 6 I • I : ! . . i . Now we. have made some progress over the past three years. As the Pr~sident sai~ in his State ofthe Union address this year
- , , t, ! , October 4, 1995 TEEN PREGNANCY MEETING Date:' Time: Location: From: I. October 5, 1995 11:15 a.m."12:15 p.m. Indian Treaty Room Carol Rasco Jeremy Ben-Ami Janet Abrams PURPOSE , ' . , < In your State of the Union speech this year
- , as the centerpiece of your 1994 State of the Union address. If you would like to mOve.more quickly, pLease let us know. We intend to build the welfare reform plan around the themes you set forth in the campaign: * Making Work Pay, through an expanded BITe and health
January 24, 1994 - DPC Mtg.
- for the President to give the State of the Union address the following evening, I do feel it is critical that the Council have heard the basic principles and recognize the importance of welfare reform to the agenda this year. Please feel free to bring Mary Jo
- , Carol Rasco ,Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. The ,WhiteHouse Washington, DC, .' " :- '. i, i j 1 , r " r r , f ! f j Dear Ms, Ra'sco: · In his State of the Union Address,:pre,sid~hrtlinton challenged Congre~s,to put
- that WIC saved over $472 million in medical costs in one year. GAO projected over one billion dollars in savings due to WIC over an 18 year period. President Clinton identified WIC in his 1993 State of the Union Address as a program worthy of , funding
- Communities of Shalom .f 6. Other Talking Points - State of the Union - Clinton Administration Accomplishments Document - Affirmative Action - African-American Accomplishments Document .".. I • ~ 7. Miscellaneous - CHR bio - DPCMission Statement - DPC
DPC Meeting October 30, 1995
- in December, or waiting until January, possibly the State of the Union). Technology Learning Challenge. On October 10, the President announced the 19 Winners of the Technology Learning Challenge Grant program. The Technology Learning Challenge Grant program
- Initiative July 8, 1996 . "In my State of the Union address I challenged our country to focus on the problem ofyouth violence .... We're fighting with a strategy that is coordinated and unrelenting. that does rely upon national, state and local prosecutors
- to the President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20502 Hello Carol: I saw you on TV a few nights ago, just before the State of the Union message. I was proud of you and even more proud of the President's message. Since I conversed with you
- , noting that as a child he had witnessed domestic violence in his own family. He referred to the topic again in January in his State of the Union address to the Congress and the nation. CONTACTS: Bonnie Campbell, (202) 616-8894, Department of Justice
- and the responsibility -- to rise as far as their God-given talents and determination can take them and to give something back to their communities in return. That is the underlying principle' of the President "s New Covenant, which, as he ·said in his State of the Union
Nashville, TN 3-28-95 [2]
- tie§ in return. " ',. j ·Tha t ,is the underlying "principle of the President,';s New Covenant, which, as he said .1" • in his State 'of the ,Union address; is gJrounded in some ,pretty old' ideas ~ , These ideas have guided us for more ,than
- of the President's New Covenant, which, as he said in his State of the· . Union address, is grounded in some pretty old ideas. These ideas have guided us for more than a century in our efforts to protect and support children. Yet today, the foundation we have built
- , "Our senior citizens have made us what we are." President Clinton, State of the Union, 1995 "My position is, I haven't and don't support cuts in Social Security, and I would support savings in the Medicare program only if they're used to advance
- and Benefit Statement. Daniel Patrick Moynihan. (Note 3-1/2 years Navy time not posted.) I sent this to Little Rock last November suggesting President say in State of the Union everyone will get one starting now. (Also Canadian sample statement.) Exhibit B
- Clinton' ',' , 'State of the, Union Address , '\January 24, 1995 . In ' , ' ' ' , ' The' Pi'esident's, P~'oposal: The President's 'proposa.l'wou'ld increase the ri1iniri1um~age from $4:25 to: $5, 15 over two ,year~, through two 45 cent incre~ses
- that follow. Others, including those in issue areas not yet .addressed by this Council, will be further. reviewed by the Council and mcorporated into action items that we will propose over the coming months. A. LEADERSHIP 1. During his State of the Union
- Accomplishments (African-American) - Affirmative Action - State of the Union . 14. Other CHR bio - Elaine Kamarck bio - DPC Mission Statement & Long' Range Plan - American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. White House Travel Office Old Executive
- I want to challenge you to hav~ honest hearings on this; to get together; to find a way to make the minimum wage a living wage. II President Clinton State of the Union Address January 24, 1995 THE PRESIDENT'S PROPOSAL: The President's proposal would
New York, NY Trip Interview with Ellen Levine, Editor of "Good House-Keeping" November 27, 1995
- Koskinen ) III. Budget Message State of the Union Strategy Don Baer THE WH ITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Cabinet Meeting January 10, 1996 Materials Provided L . Statement by the President - 1/6/96 IE Statement by the President - 1/9/96 II
- , approximately one million pregnancies occur among American teenagers. As Pr.esident Clinton said in s State of the Union address, "We've got', to ask our community leaders and all kinds of organizations to he1p us stop our mostserious.socialproblem: the demic
- and technical assistance for rural fire protec ment policy arena with two primary proposals. In his State of the Union address in January 1970, President tion, and supported increased research and extension Nixon noted the need to "not only stem the migration
Detroit Trip File [3]
- Administration Accomplishments (general) ..;.. Clinton Administration Accomplishments (African-American) - Affirmative Action '- State of the Union 12. Other - CHR bio - DPC Mission Statement & Long Range Plan Clinton Presidential Records Digital
Boston, MA & Albany, NY Trip 7/1 - 7/3/96: NY July 2/3 (Albany & Troy) from CHR Briefing Book
- 211 2:00 PM Juvenile Justice Meeting: D. Burke confirmed (6-5568), OEOB 211 3:30 PM Deborah Both and Jeremy Ben-Ami, CHR's office / OPD/DPCIPERSDIRlPIZZUTO .._ - - State of Union Address tonight Meeting @9:00p.m. 9:00 AM Pat & Julie: 7:30 AM