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  • [League of Cities Research]: Empowerment Zones
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14450 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [League of Cities Research]: Empowerment Zones Stack: Row: 92 Section: Shelf: Position: Adminisimtion of William ]• Clinton
  • package: a Brownfields tax incentive; new Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC); and expansion of the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) fund. Unfortunately, neither the House tax bill nor the Senate tax bill includes
Budget Binder (Item)
  • Youth in High-Poverty Communities. Authorized in the Workforce Investment Act, President Clinton's Youth Opportunity Grants to direct resources to high-poverty areas, including Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities, to provide comprehensive
  • gap and bring more businesses and credit to our central cities by launching a second round of empowerment zones, renewing community development financial institutions, and supporting HUD's Community Empowerment Fund. I ask you to tell Congress
  • , the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and H.R. 2014, the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, 8/5/97] URBAN AGENDA ACTION: Double the Number of Empowerment Zones "We should double the number of empowerment zones. They've already brought so much hope to communities
  • has a responsibility, too. By raising the minimum wage and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, we have finally made work a better deal than welfare^ By building a network of community development banks, and creating 105 Empowerment Zones
  • to return unproductive, abandoned, contaminated urban properties to productive use. November 1997 SPEARHEADING URBAN RENEWAL EFFORTS: • $100 Million to Chicago: Chicago was designated an Empowerment Zone in December 1994 and was awarded $100 million
  • have to create the conditions, the environment that will enable us to be good partners. And that's what we have tried to do. Pretty soon we'll have 125 empowerment zones and enterprise communities around America that basically say, if local communities
  • , contaminated urban properties to productive use. SPEARHEADING URBAN RENEWAL EFFORTS: • Sl80 Million to Cleveland: Cleveland was designated an Enterprise Community in December, 1994 , and was awarded $3 million to create more jobs, housing, and economic
Budget 1997 (Item)
  • & rural areas. • Incentives to Empower Communities: Stimulate revitalization of economically distressed urban 8c rural communities by designating 20 additional Empowerment Zones and 80 additional Enterprise Communities, providing new tax incentives
  • enterprise zones. SUBSTANTIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT President Clinton proposed and signed into law legislation for empowerment zones in August 1993 that will award $3.8 billion to 104 empowerment zones and enterprise communities. President Clinton announced
  • , crimefightingand crime reduction measures, environmental safety, empowerment zones and enterprise communities, welfare reform and job training, new drug 14 fighting initiatives, protection of the Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security system, health care
  • areas where there aren't enough jobs of any Metnber:) kind, in the inner cities and the rural areas, In accordance with the provisions of secis an important part of it. That's what our tion 490(h) of the Foreign Assistance Act of empowerment zone meeting
  • , their communities and their schools. Much of the Administration's social and economic agenda, ranging from education to crime prevention to empowerment zones, is designed to provide increased opportunities for young people and to give them something to say 'yes
  • . It is designed to streamline the transfer of surplus Federal computer equipment to schools and nonprofit educational organizations, giving special consideration to those with the greatest need and located in a empowerment zone or enterprise community
Education [2] (Item)
  • Zones and Enterprise Communities to community development banks and cleaning up and redeveloping abandoned Brownfields in our cities ~ we are partnering with local communities and providing people with the tools and flexibility to solve their own
  • at the local level while earning money for college. The budget proposes to create more Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities that offer tax incentives and direct spending to encourage the kind of private investment that creates jobs, and to provide more
  • to expand empowerment zones, enterprise communities, and community development . banks like the ones here in Kansas City to attract business investment to our poorest areas » because the greatest untapped market for American enterprise is right here
  • and economic agenda, ranging from education to crime prevention to empowerment zones, is designed to provide increased opportunities for young people and to give them something to say 'yes' to. If our youth do not have access to education, health services, jobs
  • will be lifted out of poverty, not taxed into it. In addition, we have taken steps to lift whole neighborhoods out of poverty through our Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities initiative. These efforts have channeled millions of dollars of new investment
  • -given potential ~ to prepare our people for the 21st Century ~ that is the central goal of my administration. [Desert Shield nurse; started business w/ help from business incubator from Enterprise Community funds. Business transcribes doctors' notes. Has
  • and enterprise communities. We're help- in working families lost health insurance last ing Americans to rebuild the American dream year alone. That's why, even as we open up for themselves. The most important thing we trade and create jobs, we've got to work hard
  • is Portsmouth's designation, shortly after his defeat at the polls in 1994, as an Enterprise Community. This designation is already beginning to bear fruit. OSCO Industries has agreed to build an iron casting facility on the abandoned site of the former Empire
  • % in 1996. Huntington is one of 106 Federal Enterprise Communities and won a $3 million grant. The grant has helped underwrite several initiatives, including a small business incubator. The city has an excellent university, Marshall, that prides itself
  • the Department of Energy from closing the gaseous diffusion plant in nearby Portsmouth, OH. (The plant, which employs more than 2,000 people, is a major employer in the area.) The other is Portsmouth's designation as an Enterprise Community, something which
  • adhering to the uniform policy. The Springfield City Council has proposed a $26,000 federal grant (part of the $3 million Enterprise Community Grant) to add a truancy officer to get to know families and get kids back to school. Crime and Law Enforcement