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3 results

  • have work. 4, • m:mtOul PAlOO I JUNE 1994 " (212186S-S96S Wor~ Q~5 Ufo, It gives ~ and disdplirut to tife. It gives mennil1g and self-esteem to peupie who are pareut.s. It gWC$ a rolemodcl to ('hiktr~n.". ~ ClUlllot, I submit (0 you, rep*d'le
  • . 2000, iIdtDol_ _rtl'NlUi&iQn, lilt lIIka·ttUGl ~WI. IIliIdte pro~ ~, ... 0 ufo m.-u ~WI. _1ItiMiA.. --,-:y -33.3~ 69 0 0 6,412 60 NA NA NOTE: House 1994 ruadiq estimates r~ programs ia the TraosPortatioa, CommereelJustice aad latenor bilh, reflect