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  • be faced with the prospect .A:'"2"IIIQr of reclamation suits by nationals of Switzerland and France, who are now reluctant to' apply for oertification under General LioenseNb. 95, not because they are enemies, but because of restrictions imposed
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffITLE· DATE Ellen to Gene; re: Goal of Efficient, Quality Deliverable (partial) (1 page) 03/09/00 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • tM A s c o N F E R E N c E Dr. Nahum Goldmann (left) and Saul Kagan at an early meeting of the Claims Conference. Centre de Documentation Juive and the Tombeau in I Paris; and the Wiener Libr;ary in London. In 1965, $10 million
  • will, however, be made as specific as possible, in terms both of the evidentiary facts and the record or other supporting references. General argumenta­ tion will be limited to the extent necessary in the light of the pre-existing documentation above mentioned
  • .3TITUTION SUCCV:S30R ORGANIZI\TION 270 HRclison t\venue New york 16, N.Y .• October 5, 1955 To: JRSO Executive Committee From: Saul Kagan RE: .JRSO Claims under F:.tblic La", 626 I am enclosing herewith a report on the b~.ckground and present
  • which Gennany, through Invasion, has occupied", undated document ca. 1943/44, Archives of the Dutch Foreign Office, code 3, 2988, KB EIOO, Bewindvoerders voor afwezigen in de . ' .. U.S., [326862-326894]. 13 "Memorandum with Respect to the Powers
  • Munich, Linz, Hitler -IMP for PC RG 260, Box 498 RM PROPERTY CARDS Lubimirsky Cards - IMP for PC Ceramics and glass - Linz to M.P. -Imp for PC? Paintings from Linz to M.P. -IMP for PC RG 260, Box 499 . AS PROPERTY CARDS Some interesting documents
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrrITLE RESTRICTION 001. email Jonathan Petropoulos to Erin Rodgers; re: Commission Business (1 page) 07/27/2000 P6/b(6) 002. email Jonathan Petropoulos to Erin
  • Margretta Kennedy to Katherine Page re: PCHA ms., Ip. (partial) 2. Minutes re: Advisory Panel Meeting, 1 (partial) J. . 8/14/00 ca. Sept, P6/B6 P6/B6 2000 RESTRICTIONS PI National security classified infonnation [(ale I) of the PRAj. P2 Relating
  • II I : I I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrrITLE RESTRICTION 001. letter George Mahfood to Vadim Altskan; re: Class Action Settlement (partial) (1 page) 06122/1999 P61b(6) 002. check
  • , by telegram. Cordially, Eugene Hevesi l-w. Seymour J. Rubin 1832 Jefferson Plaae Washington 6, D.C. EIhmh Enol. P.S. I did not mention this thing to Kagan, beoause he is likely to insist thBt we go and testifY, plugging solelY for th~eirless bill
  • the documentation of the Roberts Commission and isl now exploring how the military laws and government decrees of the immediate post-war period functioned. : (J. Petropoulos, L. Roussin. The first draft of policy paper, produced in cooperation with other ieams
  • time lag involved. ,Nevertheless, they show that the I~AT,O recoveries are only a fra.ction of our own recoveries. Our own es­ I timate is that their value certainly does not amount to more than 11% " of the Jewish property. Saul Kagan 122141 I ".J
  • documentation of the ~entral Latvian Record Office, the Historical Archives of the city I of Riga, the Genealogical Archive of Riga, the Latvian Archive for Statistics, the collection the Latvian Historical State Museum, thec'ollection of the Dome Museum
  • to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee approved Mr. Goldwater!s proposal. Mr. Kagan also briefly reported: on a request by an equity claimant whose claim the JRSO withdrew by mistake. This case had previously been considered by the Executive Committee
  • \ JEHISH RE3TITUTION SUCCES30R ORGtu"'rIZATION 270 Hadiaon A.venue Ne-w York 16, N.Y. - i,!1L, ~ October 5, 1955 I " i ~ MEECRlUIDUM To: JRSO ,Executive Committee 'From: Saul Kagan RE: .JRSO Claims under P!J.blic La\01 626 I am
  • Report ofthe Secretary ofthe Treasury on the State ofthe Finances (Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1942), 159. These figures are reported in 1941 dollars. vThe exact total in the document is given as $343,823,000. This total includes shipments
  • Owned by Nationals of I , Allied Nations who are within the Territory which Germany, through Invasion, has occupied", undated document ca. 1943/44, Archives of the Dutc? Foreign Offife, code 3, 2988, KREIOO, Bewindvoerders voor afwezigen in de· . U.S
  • /RHA 423 million DM 800 million DM 50 million DM The one billion DM for property issues will be divided as follows: 350 million for claims for which there is clear documentation and 650 million for humanitarian cases) in which the certitude
  • against Gennany (48 Stat.1267-1268) March 2, 1935 - E.O. 6981 - Removing Certain Restrictions of Public Resolution 53 Restrictions were removed on payments and transfers of money and property EXCEPT to Gennan nationals or corporations OAP remained
  • . Callmaun, Vice-President Mr. Frank Goldman, Vice-President . Dr. Israel Goldstein,· Vice-President. Mr. Adolph Held, Vice-President Mr. Barnett launer, Vice"President Mr. Moses A. Leavitt, Treasurer Mr. Saul Kagan, Secreta1"l1 Mr. Maurice M. Boukstein
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library S~8JECTmTLE J)OCUMENT NO. ANJ)TYPE J)ATE Nazi' Assets Working Group (partial) ( I page) 00 l. list COLLECTION: ca. Nov., 1997 RESTRICTION Pllb(l) U octO'( S5 '" I Clinton Presidential Records
  • ). "Memorandum with Respect to the Powers the Alien property Custodian over patents Owned by Nationals of Allied Nations who are within thy Territory whith Germany, through Invasion, has occupied", undated document ca. 1943/44, Archives of the Dutch Foreign
  • worldwide. I ! ! I : I ~fheirless victims and employ : : Not all U.S. authorities recognized persecutees as a special category. Much of the ' , i II , . documentation created in the immediate postwar era pertaining to restitution does
  • crafted that spring. The report recognized that practical considerations might restrict a desired ! • unlimited obligation on Genilany to restore identifiable looted property. The right to restitutiony() ! '. ~. . (?J not be absolute. The Allied
  • [Sebastian's Document Folder] [2]
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Helen B. Junz to Gene Sofer; re: Research Management & Execution (2 pages) 02/12/00 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • in Germany or Austria who desire to emigrate, or Jews were,nationals or former nationals of previously occupied countries and.who were victims ofNlizi concentration camps or concentration camps established by regimes under Nazi influence. . . B. The sum
  • into the U.S., From the extant censorship documents 'in RG 239~ it is clear that a'number ofdealers were routing works though Central and ' South American countries in an effort to circumvent customs restrictions. , We are in the process 9f collecting
  • reatitut&b1e to 'range. III'S. Kagan .ust clear up re.titution policy a. to whether or not we can gl'Y. the ?rench IGH indioation ot what we hold so that theT can subatt \heir 0 l.aia. • 12. In proce,1I of restitution and del1Yel"1. 1.'3. Subjedt
  • . The receipt, of Ulll.ckinEfs ac:count of the t.r,llk "with ~'itucki provided an excellent ()e{~asion for me to call Uj:!1 .f,ir. Thorp to 'point out to him that the amount of 14 million Gy,las trancs l'/hic11 !,(tr. '1\lck had previously requ~~ated in his
  • ..,ay possible to aesiet you. However, I em sorry to have to report to you t.hat in the op!.nfon of our lawyers t.he os,se 18 not very strong. 'WEI We shall, novertheless, do all oan to help you. Sinoerely yours, SK:mo Saul Kagan Diotnted
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email . 002. email SUBJECTfITfLE DATE RESTRICTION Marc Masurovsky to Laura Offen; re: For Laura OffenIYour Email (partial) (1 page) 12/07/99 P6!b(6) Gene Sofer
  • ; 12/2/98 P6/B6 ; '\' re: Jonathan Petropoulos, 1p. (pkrtial) I . I Jonathan Petropoulos, 2pp. (partial) 4. Travel Author. Form re: 5. Invoice re: Jonathan Petropoulos, I \ • I (partial) RESTRICTIONS • Bl National security classified
  • DRAFT: 4112/004:44 PM FFC: Defrosting I. Introduction Foreign assets, either vested or frozGu during the war, as previously discussed. For frozen assets, the key task after the war was t(') develop a program to release the funds that had been
  • Declaration of January 5, 1943." Certain limitations should nonethele,ss apply.~'As a practical matter, restitution should be restricted to I Jrelatively few kinds of property such as archives and records of the occupied countries; gold; i . works of art
  • Settlements­ Wartime Activities and Present Pqsition," M.A.Kriz, Foreign Research Division, Federal Reserve System, June II, 1947, p.49. NACP, Non-record reference materials of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Documents Related
  • Organizatioris Pursuant to Military Government," Jun. 23,1948, NACP, RG 84, Box 158, File 711.9 Prbperty H [325546-325548]. I ' Saul Kagan and Ernst H. Weismann! "Report on the Operations of The Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, 1947-1972", wage 7
  • accurate. This conclusion is based on an examination of voluminous documentation ofMFA&A, produced on a regular (usually monthly) basis between 1945 and 1951. The estimates are also in the middle ground of ,those found by Commission researchers: for example
  • ,···· '" ' ' .... ' "As a practical matter, restitution should be restricted to relatively few kinds of property such as:' • 7 1 0 archives and records of the occupied countrie~; gold; works of art, books and other cultural(U1d )• . . educational treasures; securities, major means
  • -rlonala. On the, other hand, there exists a SUbstantial nossibility that som9 ' portion~f'ese accounta may be ·tbef'unds or persecutees ""howere seeking t . tolavoid e foreign exchan..18 restrictions of Germs.,07.' letter describing '~' .. ' 'thts a1
  • o'J'mers were I should like to add that while with the War Claims Commission, I directed - the Study on War Claims Arising Out of Viorld War II. The, Commission r s Report, . . . -. . based on this Study,is House Document 67, 8.3rd Coneress, First Session
  • practice which is v~y detrimental to recovery of Je,dsh losses' is the exclusion of foreigners fram rights to . claim war da.mages .. The greater percentage of foreign Jews in , a given countn", the mor~ telling are the restrictions. This is especially true
  • .: Office of the ChiefbfMil. Hist., Dept. of the Army, 1964). • I I U.S. Stat~ Dept. and Senate C~l11D?-ittee,.on Foreign,Relatio~s, ~ Decade I ojAmerican Foreign Policy:Basic Documents, 1941-1949 (Washmgton, D.C.: Government Pnntmg Office', 1950
  • in Section XI, par.42 (b) that: "The German authorities will comply with such directioris as the Allied representatives may issue regarding the property, , ! Military Government Regulation (MGR) 23-2050 in Stanford University Government Documents Green
  • ambiguity: it should read "placed restrictions on those remittances and the ..." .,I p.98 . . It might be wortH adding a sentence after ft. 67 that reads: "This $10 billion I . a~rized is 78 percent of the total amount offoreign-owned assets reported
  • will be desbribed in detail. In those cases where nothing relevant was found a , general description will be assignJd. : I Boxes 435-450 i I These are documents previously reviewed by Mark, which I went through a second time in order to find a copy of the Howard
  • , they didn't systematically destroy documents - and, after more than fiv~ decades, they still have an astounding quantity of account details. So far, so good. But if the Swiss Bankers Association ~nd the federal banking commission insist only on seeing
  • -325548]. ; . Saul Kagan and Ernst H. WeismannJ "Report on the OperatiQns ofThe Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, 1947-1972", page 7. ' '. . 13 Saul Kagan and EmstH. weismannj "Report'on the Operations of The Jewish Restitution Successor
  • will be given the task of finding the HICOG documents cited by JRSO (Colin has this reference and requested this information). Gene and Ken (probably with Colin) will seek an interview with Saul Kagan. Steven (Stephen? intetn) will be reassigned to Colin
  • ~ctical maUer, restitution shouldbe restricted to re~ativelY few kinds of property such as , I . , . , I archives ;and records of the occupied countries; gold; works of art, books and other cultural and elducatio~al treasures; securities, major
  • limitations should apply.' They argued, "As a pra~tical matter, restitution should be restricted to rel~tivelyfew kinds of property such as archives and records of the.occupied countries; gold;works of art, books and other cultural and . educational treasures
  • Presidential Adyisory Commission :on .Holocaust Assets in the United States PCHA Box 49 Financial Assets Documents Folders 81 - 84 Documents 340842 - 343389 PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION ON HOLOCAUST ASSETS IN THE UNITED STATES' PlU
  • , Austria. The documents showing sources of purchases are in Dresden, USSR control. U.S. authorities have been unsuccessful in their attempts to secure copies of these documents. There is, however, at the Munich Colleting Point a fairly complete file
  • are maintained for all aspects on transferred cultural treasures, retain their v!JJidity for property relations developed in response to these documents}the property rights of Russia J!1cluding the right to transferred cultural values acquired as compensation
  • and archives on March 1, 1942, IIFuhrererlass," Der ProzeE gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem Internationalen Militargerichtshof; NUrnberg, 14. Noyember 1945 - 1. Oktober 1946 document 1015k~PS, p. 536. "Library for Exploration of the. Jewish Question
  • drafts for each of the three Laender (Bavaria, Grosshessen, Baden-Wuerttemberg); the second step was a uniform draft for all three Laender prepared by the military authorities. As the uniform draft was very restricted in its applic~tion and . otherwise
  • • Research into the historical catastrophe known as the Holocaust serves several purposes. By . . , " documenting the actual 'events,' it helps to create an irr~futable' record that forever locates that period in world history; By revealing previously
  • (NARA) in the United States and abroad. Even as we write, hundreds of . thousands of additional pages of documents are being declassified by the Nazi War Criminal' Records Interagency' Working Group, which was charged by Congress to expedite
  • Administration (NARA) in the United States and abroad. Even as w'ewrite, hundreds of thousands of additional pages of documents are being declassified by the Nazi War Criminal " Records Interagency Working Group; which was charged by Congress to expedite
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email DATE SUBJECTITITLE RESTRICTION I Jonathan Petropoulos to Erin Rodgers; re: Papers (I page) 07/2712000 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Presidential
  • to limit traditional bi Gypsy occupations such as metalworking and the manufacture of baskets. As a result of these restrictions, Gypsies increasingly resort­ ed to begging and stealing, reinforcing a stereotype that had accompanied them from the time
  • to exclude claiins from individuals. As the Commissioners debated the definition, Russell H. Dorr, the US Commissioner, told State Department officials that a restricted definition which ,excluded claims for private gold losses was "highly desirable
  • , Japan". ,Hungary, Rumania, or Bulgari.a, regArdless of the citizenship,of such per!!o~. , , .~ .\ .. (3) Restrictions of GelierAI Ruling No. llA. Attention is di­ rected to the special restri.ctions containeo in General Ruling No. llA pertnining
Reports [4] (Item)
  • , and other related documents. 2 U.S. Ambassadpr to Sweden and former Texas Insurance Commissioner. CRS-2 I communal property, ,and archives, books, and historical commissions. The session on communal property was chaired by Representative, Benjamin
  • (NARA) in the United States'and abroad. Even as we y.rrite, hundreds of thousands of additional pages of documents, are being 'declassified by the Nazi War Criminal .. 'Records Interagency-Working Group, which was charged by Congress to expedite
  • of potentially relevant records are stored in the facilities of the_National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in the United States and abroad. Even as we write, hundreds of thousands of additional pages of documents are being declassified by the Nazi
Papers [1] (Item)
  • of Mr. Bennett, Mr. Stern, Mr. Caldwell, M~. Gabell, & Mrs. Kagan reo Reduction of assets by Jun. 30), ,Mar. 24, 1948, NACP, RG 260, FED, Finance, Box 93 [227810-811]. 12 Letter from the British Embassy to O.F. Rletcher,Jul. 30, 1947, NACP, RG 59
  • pages of documents are being declassified by the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency'Working Group, which was charged by Congress to expedite declassification ofNazi-era documents and which made the declassification of records that contained vital
  • of additional pages ofdocuments are being declassified by the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency'Working Group, which was charged by Congress to expedite declassification ofNazi-era documents and which made the declassification of records that contained vital
  • , the Jewish DPs are adequately housed. 2. Removal of Personal ... .. ':. . Belongings~ One source of irritation to the Jewish DPs was the restriction on the removal of their personal belongings to their ultimate place of resettlement. , Until 27 July
  • . The report of this joint committee, signed by all 12 members, ranks in my opinion ~ a historic document. It described vividly the tra~ic plight of those who were victimized by the ;-\azis. It recorded firm determinatIOn to do everything possible to right
  • on his way to the airport dfterwards. he said he had handed the documents to the Israeli Government and the World Claims Conferende, and it would be part of discussions with the people of Austria, not the Austrian Government. i . They should
  • . Kagan to Bennett; June 14, 1948 . llNARAICP; RG 56; Accession #69A4707; Box 8i; File: Interrogation of Emil Puhl: "Notes Based On Interrogation of Emil Puhl, Vice President of the Reichsban~ (Foreign Securities),,; October 15;.18, 1945 (223541) 12NARAICP
  • -,. , RESTITUT~~L% ;E~;oCN~~S~~CEOR'j~~lZ,~~ON JEWISH BER LI N-DAH LEM FONTANESTRASSE 16 SAMMEt.NR. 71> lq 81 20 May 1954 D r. "r/ cz v. Mr. Saul Kagan c/o J n : .; 0 270 Madison ilvenue New York 16, N.Y. J Tlli: Berlin SW, Oraniensbr. 19 Cohen
  • documents stored in a nwhber of repositories. Most of its information comes from the National Archives in Coll~ge Park, MD (NACP). The Gold Team also consulted records . I I held at the Federal ReserVe Bank of New York and the records of the US Assay
  • suggest that you' write to the clerks. to ask for the published transcripts, when these are available. There are a large number of bills, and I think Kagan has most if not all of them•. For your information, . I enclose herewith a copy of a recent report
  • rewards for all who were and continue to be associated ~ith the work of this unique organization. Maurice M. Boukstein . Presidc"t . Saul Kagan Monroe Goldwater C/rnimltlll, £WC/ltiI1C COllllllittcc Execlltive Secretnry 4 Y~.¥ATRl u:.ibJ.D._WBl
  • ·' ::aa TO THE CGllvlITTEE: . We finally received payments for our gold watche~. As you have been told previously the "latches could not be sold as watches because of their bad condition, customs and marking laws and trade mark problems
  • in these reports would present an, enormous burden which , under the,'circUmstances would not appear warranted. I will appreciate your favorable action in this matter. SincerelyyoUl's, ~ 7:KAGAN .. Director Plans and Opera.tions Board j I 1 I i 'I j I t
  • to the etrect that the following documents Pl'8V10UB11 re­ quested have not 1et been received:­ 1. Certif1cate ~ He1rship Do11 authorized copies ot ,,1lls at. decendents, i f an1 3. Du11 oert1t1ed death cert1t1oate ot each decedent and oopies ot the court
  • I 1. Application Form re: Jonathan Petropoulos, 1p. (pttial) . 10/27/98 P6/B6 I I i I , I I 1 I I RESTRICTIONS 81 National security classified infonnation [(b) (I) of the' FOIAj. P2 Relating to appointment to Federal office [(a)(2
  • document entitled -DispolSi t i on of Personal Efteets of Agents or Suspects Deta ined by the AErI, dated 2Ja. .lugust 1"944., 6. CurrenCI and lill!Pc hl .A.8et s to!Uld Abandoned or unprotected. a. Currenoy and tinancial ae88ts abandoned by the enemy
  • of the filing deadline in cormection with restitution claimsj. b) Claims ~or return of movable property whose present location is known and where claims could not previously be presented; .c) Claims for.the restoration of tenancy rights; and d) Claims for ~e
  • in vessel without MG authorization ~ 24 Moving vessel wlo MG Authorization 25 Failure to possess valid identity card 26 Unlawful issuance of a document of official concern 28 Inviting Member of Allied Forces into place marked "Off Limits" • o •• .~ Total
  • gold and problematic because the Bennett, Mr. Stern, Mr. Cald)vell, Mr. GabeU, and Mrs. Kagan reo Reduction of assets by June 30], March 24, 1948, NACP,iRG 260, FED, Finance, Box 93 [??????-???] 12 British Embassy to Mr. Fletcher, July 30, 1947, NACP
  • previously I received 1,800 Deutsche Marks from the Germans. Forward Wolf was stunned by this response - not merely because of the ection, but because of the way the Claims Conference used German criteria as a cover for its decision. Consequently
  • , Joint Executive Board From: Saul Kagan The members of the Joi.nt Executive Board in the United States met on :November 2l!.t 1953 to' Chancellor Raab l s letter t~ Dr. Nahum Goldmaml i dated :Fovemter 1),: 195:5, ;it was the sense cf
  • Presidential Advisory Commission on, Holocaust Assets in the United States .' . "PCHA Box 9 Art Team~ocuments ' Folders37~ 40 r . Documents 120119 - 1f22529 . I PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION ON HOLOCAUST ASSETS IN THE UNITED
  • in compliance with AR 380-5. , ! 21757'3 J' I I' I I I, i F ,X·:DE. p()$ /rotf,Y OFFICE OF MIL: ,',~RY GOVERNMENTF( ; -GERMANY . :;:. (u.s::) I . STAFF, CABLE CONTROL OUTGOING ' MESSAGE.' • j; RESTRICTED ROUTINE USFET OMGUS SIGNED OLAY
  • persons; the French or­ ganizationsl}must possess an absolute majority. ofivotes in the Council. , , . and. copies entitled to obtain information . The organization is of all papers and documents in possession.or custodJ of courts, other public
  • of your letter, In case' this has gone asi~a.y fsO far as we are con­ 'II eerned here. would you be good enough to send me a couy by return air mail, At . . II" the same time if you have prepared the document suggested in this paragraph I shoUld be glad
  • in promissory notes are payable on the 15th of August 1951, in connection with which'there are some restrictions. Another 7-1/2 million DM were given in the form of railroad bonds \-lith similar provisos but different maturity dates from the first 7-1/2 million
  • , generally proved to be of very short duration and was often quickly followed by forcil?le liquidation. 8 ~JEWISH SOCIAL -STUDIES: SUPPLEMENT The present List is not intended to serve merely as a documented record of the monumental achievement of European
  • ~k). : I I i: r ::j,: / (C. S. Kagan, Esq. , _ . I I Jewish Resti tl.l tion Suooessqr Organi8~tl ion:. 270, Madison Avenue, I, 11 New YorJc. 16. N.Y. 1:1 cc: Dr.G.Wels, '-_._.- ­ , I, Dr.R.Laohs. ; . :i j , 111is copy may neither be transferred
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE dOl. email DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE Helen B. Junz to Gene Sofer; re: JRSO (partial) (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE . SUBJECTfTITLE . DATE RESTRICTION 001. letter Bob Grathwol to Greg; rer: Commission Business (1 page) ca., Dec. 1999 P6/b(6) 002. letter Bob Grathwol to Greg; re
  • · 1955. Participation in the Italian claims program. had· , ':.':: ': ... i.': previously been' limited to persons who 't-1ere 'United .' " .... :.. :. ~ States nationals at the time of the loss or damage. . :': .., .., . Toe Committee deleted
Records [2] (Item)
  • 239-Box 72 JP , CCP photos-Photocopy [PC] RG 239-Box 73 JP Nothing, RG 239-Box 74 Jp. , I· Documents on Gllooti~g-.incl. Schonberger and Fulda Bishop cases (10/46) RG 239-Box 75 JP Dealers NY-PC Dealers MSC-PC I Austrian Dealers-PC (23 July 1946
  • ,,709 8/24/00 Meeting with Saul Kagan August 8, 2000 Contrast between the Military Government and the OAP: The military government returned things to the country of origin but did not insist on restitution efforts. The United States did
JCR/JRSO [3] (Item)
  • - Rosenthaliana 2. JOSEFINE E. P. LEISTRA - Netherlands Fine Arts I ~~ . 4. P. M. MANASSE - International Institute voor Scciale Gehiedenis 5. H. DE VRIES - Netherlands War Documentation _ " for inviting us to this HISTORIC EVENT - commemorating
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet· Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTfflTLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE RESTRICTION OOL email , ; Robert T. Grathwol to Helen B. Junz; re: Your Reply to My Periodic Report (partial) (1 page) 02/02/00 P61b(6) 002. fax Helen
  • facilities supplied in part by O~GUS.IZMilitary authorities also pcimitted the JRSO to examine documentation compiled by ~ National So~ialists and the property contIOl offices in the American zone to locate . cl1., typists, , inf?rmationabout
  • ! I . cultural treasures known to have existed before the Nazi occupation. I This publication, which I · in1lUded only movable assets such as books, documents and muse~m pieces, was the first of its kiJd and Helped various organizations in Europe
  • Eizenstat, Deputy Secretary,.United·States Department of the Treasury II! Introduction to the work of the U. S. Commission - Kenneth L. Klothen, Executive Director I A. Legislative mandate . B. Scope of the Research Effort i 1. Restrictions dictated
  • 179 (Prominent German Personalities; captured documents, investigative reports, and interrogations ... ) (loc: 390/45/20106) . Directory of Property Received 1945-1949 196 (table of shipments) (loc: missing) o 197 Property Card Index, n.d
  • alive. Over the next two decades, Army intelligence agents sifted through reported sightings of Mueller in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Argentina, according to documents released Wednesday by the National Archives. Mueller has never been found
  • /00 P6/B6 12. Notes re: Com'mission Business, 1p. ! ca. April 2000 P6/B6 Co~mission Office Staff Meeting, 1p. (partial) RESTRICTIONS 81 National security classified information [(b) (I) of the FOIA]. 82 Release could disclose internal personnel
  • rapidly employed over 300 cllrks, typists, investigators, and lawyers, utilizing funds and facilities suppl{ed in part by I' '" " OMGUS. l l Military authorities also permitted the JRSO to examine documentation compiled by thl National Socialists
  • be' presented in understandable form, well document~ci. •. ,,~d in such a manner as to minimize the administrative task of effecting returns in the Uaitec1 State •• ( ~ I have suggested to Bea, as i think 1 previously augge~ted to you
  • , investigators, and laWyers, utilizing funqs and facilities supplied in part by bMGUS. ll Militaryauthorities also pennitted the JRSO to exLine documentation compiled by &e National Socialists and the property control offices in the lerican zone to locate I
  • employed ovet 300 . ~lerks. typists, investigators, and lawyers, utilizing funds and facilities supplied inpart by I . OMGUS. 12 Military authorities also permitted the JRSOto examine dOCUmentation compiled by I. '., .. . .' . .t he.National
  • ' ' " clerks, typists, investigators, and lawyers, utilizing funds and facilities supplied in part by :OMGUS." Military au1horities also pemiitted the JRSO to examine documentation compiled by . ithe National Socialists and the property control offices
  • ~ .. 3 ," .- Dispo 1950 Document Date Mar. 31,1950 Control & Disposition 108.7:84 Jan. 1, 1950 Key Names, Words Jnformation New York Times HICOG ordered the termination of the restitution , program of properties looted from German­
  • . clerks, typists, investigators, and laWyers, utilizing funds and facilities supplied in part by , I iOMGUS.1l ~ilitary authorities also permitted the JRSO toexbine documentation compiled by ithe National Socialists and the property control offices
  • · RESTI'LUTION SUCCESSOH ORGANIZ..A'l'rON 3 East 54th street New Yorlc 22, N. Y. March I, 1960 TO: Executive Comnittee FROM: Saul Kagan I am very happy to advise you that the House of Representatives just passed the JHSO Heirless P\,ope:cty Bill (liR 6462
Reports [2] (Item)
  • , lawyers, fiduciaries and others existed who were highly" experienced in the field. These professionals had few Swiss legal restrictions on their actions "sincedivulging clientinformation was highly penalized. ' , ~ , . . " , . . The Swiss
  • captured I documents, has advised on the disposition of records, and has turned over to Military Government many thousands ofb.ooks looted by ~he Nazis for restitlonto the countries from which they came."(6) In September 1945, the US. Military
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RESTRICTION 08/10/2000 Ken Klothen to Patrick Henry; re: History Channel Program Response ( 1 page) P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • (often difficult to find) and pay special attention to works routJd from Europe to the U.S.A. via Latin American countries. We are alsolhOping that newly declassified documents will shed light on this subj~ct. With all three areas, we hope to ascertain
  • of these books. In return, according to Reuben Peiss, "the Mission has aided the military authorities in screening captured documents, has advised on the disposition of records, and has turned over to Military Government many thousands of books looted
  • believed nevertheless that certain limitations should apply. They argued thht as a practical maUer, restitution should be restricted to relatively few kinds of property such as archives and records of the occupied countries; gold; works of art, books
  • are contained in a Supreme Headquarters. AEF G-2 document entitled "D1sposit ion of Personal Effeots of Agents or Suspects Dets ined by the AEFI. dated 24 August 1944., 6. Currency and linanciel A..sG foupd Abandoned or Unprotected. ta a. Currenoy
  • would interfere with normal economic activity both in Germany and in the world economy. Commer­ cial and monetary restrictions would have to be imposed, and this would have harmful consequences. Germany would not be able to pay all the reparation
[JRSO] (Item)
  • destruction of documents during the war, the JRSO could only come up with an estimate as to the value of vested property and assets in the United States. Its initial estimate of $6 million dollars was rejected by Congress' and reduced to a ceiling of $3
  • documents on S-Drive SDrive Contents.doc > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- I From: Wilson, Douglas Mr HAC Sent: Thursday, June 01: 2000 10:11 AM To: Robinson, Sarah Ms HAC Subject: New documents on S-Drive Hello all: i I There are several new
  • on "Blocking and Control of Property," which became effective sequentially, starting in Aachen on September 18, 19446 ,as the Anny moved Military Goveminent Regulation (MGR) 23-2050 in Stanford University .Govennnent Documents Green Library, Office of Military
  • "Blocking and Control of Property," which became , MiHta'l' GJernment Regulation (MGR123-2050 in Stanforo Unive"ity Government Document, Green Library, Offic~ of Military Government for Germany (U.S.), Civil Affairs Division, Property Control in the u.S
  • of property," in part bebause a restitution program W~Uld be "a logical corollary to the inter-Allied Declaration of Jtnuary 5, 1943." Certain lirtatiOnS should nonetheless apply. "As a practical matter, reslitution should be restricted to relatively few
  • Documents Green Library, Office of Military Government for Germany (U.S.), Civil Affairs Division, Property Control in the u.S.-Occupied Area of Germany 1945-1949, Special report of the Military Governor, July 1949, p.39, hereafter cited as Special Report
  • began almost as soon as World War II ended: What did the Allies know about the Nazi extermination of the Jews, when did they know it, and did they do all they could to warn the intended victims? With each cache of secret documents unsealed, evidence has
  • of property," in part because a restitution program JOUld be "a logical corollary to the inter-Allied Declaration of January 5, 1943." Certain liLitationSshould nonetheless apply. "As a practical matter, restitution should be restricted to rllatively few
  • [Sebastian's Document Folder] [5]
  • and/or who had "suffered personal damage" should be compensated by having their property returned or through Gemlan currency. This .document also statdl that appropriate organizations should receive , heirless and unclaimed property that was subject
  • diplomatic agreements relating to policies on restitution to individuals. In addition, we have conducted research to answer specific 'questions asked by Marc Masurovsky and Helen Junz. We delivered two collections of documents in July to the PCHA project
  • of assets followed no definitive set of rules. Under Administrative , I Order No. 49, troops were di~ected to tum over all items of value that they found to their Army groups for safekeeping. While U.S. troops made concerted efforts to collect, document
  • - I mean access in full, everywhere, now. I Our third imperative is to understand that the obligation to seek truth and act on it is not the burden of some, but of all; it is univ~rsal. As the United States has recognized by declassifying documents
  • in Aachen on September 18,' 19446, as the Anny m:~ved . across Gennany and in JCS Directive 1067/6, dated April 26, 1945. Thoug~ MG Law Military Goverrunent Regulation (MGR) 23-2050 in Stanford University Goverrunent Documents Green Library, Office
  • membersbelieved~evertheless'thatcertain limitations should apply: Theyargued, "As a practical matter, r~stihitionshould be restricted to relatively few kinds of property such as archives and re~ordsofth~.()ccupied countries; gold; works of art, books and other
  • , ,.:!!: i. ...~ ~ ,a ¢.( Archives Document Table1 First Bates RecordG Box Topic Area(s) Last Bates Entry File Document Date 100356 260 56 Collection 260 100887 Activity Reports 100890 100891 260 101114 260 101118
  • of our. past diSlCU9ainns and in vi"w ot the cmmeter. of the qu.estlo•• lnvt)lvec1. 1 toEd that J want to write 70'11 d1reotlr al90, In SllI" event, hare g00~..· , 1) Kagan's letter to Troll,mised OIlfJ$ ~a, the Ctue3t.lo~ ot JCR'.ubudget beIng
  • -116866]. .. 12 "Regulation No.3 Under Military Government Law. No. 59 and Appointment Thereund~~ . Designation of Successor Organizations Pursuant to Military Government", NACP, RG 84, Box 158, [325546-325548]. . 13 Saul Kagan and Ernst H. Weismann
  • ~ military nec~s:sity wilt permit I dmnagotdall . , : , .' . ,." . . .' ,:str~9tu~oSI objocts or documents 'of cultural, artistic,. arch.... . . '..' aool:og1.d'al . '. •• i or historical value
  • ofthe Negotiations (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986),41; Constantin Goschler, ' I ' ff(iedergut~achung: Westdeutschland und die Verfolgten des Nationalsozialismus (1945-1954) (Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag, 1992), Ill. I 8 Saul Kagan and Ernst Weismann
  • vla.rburg's letter to me in connection with the desIgnation of the Sllccessor organization under the I tJ.S.Rej.rless· Property . Bil~. I Cordially yours, ~ . 2~'. SAUL KAGAN SK/le Encl. • 336691 ,. '" I This,c.}"y limy neither bClr;~lI~lcmxl
  • of $ 4000 in Uf$ dollars was found on a mountain near M1ttenwa1d ,by Lt~ Roger'Rt-nst of the U.S. Group ,C.C. while searching for buri~d documents. It was in an area where previously;, valuables had been buried I ' ' in accordance with instruction
  • position be deferred pendirig further inPWs). structions. Lot A Lot C Currencies as list,;d Despatch 99 (captured Funds from 'UG Sub-Accountants). Awaiting completion currencies. 43 Seven Containers tOw Value Assets. This material previously
  • concerning these books until their restitution f:': i :~ 'h. ,i:'~' I status was kllown.(S4) No documentation bas been found as to what their final disposition was. What is known, I 1 I; , how~, is that Nicolaevsky. seven months previously
  • was, however, an I American, not an Allied: Forces document. Accordingly, on April 28, 1945 it was , ! " formally issued to Gen~ral Eisenhower in his capacity as the Com,manding General of the U.S., not the'"/\lIied, forces. Subject to any agreed policies
  • outstanding French franc notes into new French franc notes during June 1945 and to consider appropriate claims for I currency legitimately acquired. 23 , . I ' No complete documentation has been found concerning the comprehensive value
  • the least, notthe strongest basis' for a thorough trawl. Accordingly, main reliance was placed on existing documentation of ownership and on enquiries by original owners or their heirs. The former was most' extensive for absentee:ownership:the U.S
  • to accommodate those attendees who need to catch flights, the meeting on September 11 will now start at 8:30, instead of 9:00 as previously scheduled. A light breakfast will be served between 8 and 8:30. All other logistic details remain the same. Please note
  • e s< r.~ ~1. ((-~~ ())~kkpv\ Order No. 4~opsJ,ere directed to tum i~all items of value they found[~ to tt1eir Army . 7&~ 1 . Groups for safekeePink. While U.S. troops made concerted efforts to collect, document, transfer the assets they o Jti
  • of $100,000,000. This action was dismissed by the District Court for the District of Columbia because of plaintiffs t failure to produce documents iIi compliance with orders of the court and the plaintiffs appealed. On June 30,1955, theCourt·of Appeals affirmed
  • and defrosting of enemy assets was based .. I firmly believe that itis, not useful for non-lawyers to take on this task and, obviously, it would be most efficient if we could have the help of Treasury lawyers on this. We have on hand most of the documentation
  • • Ian Hancock Director, International Romani Archives and Documentation Center , I ' , University of Texas . ' Austin, TX I . • Alan G. Hevesi Comptrolle~ of the City of New York New York, NY • 'S'aul Kagan I Corporate Secretary Conference 6n
  • , "Foreign Exch~nge Depository, Sta~s as at CIS, December 15, 1950," NACP; RG 260, Box 400, FED Records, Disposal Accounts [303.J39]. The exact total in the document , ' is given as $ 343,823,000~This total includes shipments from the U.S, Zon~ of Austria
  • such certificates f.l.t the close of tho 1.'lst school year.• 1·ft-:· 0 3 -3­ III. RECOVERY OF ,JERISH CULTURAL pnOPEHTY Valuable bool{s, documents, arts :md religious artieles looted by the Germans from Jewish libraries, museums and archives are nm? stored
  • individuals. As the Commissioners debated the definition, Russell H. D~rr, the U$ Commissioner, told State Department officials that a restricted definition which excluded claims for private gold losses was "highly desirable for administrative reason:s
  • 43169 1 3444 ... 43629 42248 42338 42461 JlTTERN-Ak, FINANCE fOLICY GROUf Chief Denuty Chief Secretary to the Chief Banking and Insurance 4540B 44519 rnTANCI& INW-LIGENCE GROyt Mr. Saul Kagan Mr. Emil Lang Mr. Charles E. Bancroft Miss Naomi
  • throughout Europe's cities, which he estimates to add an additional 2 billion to the sum, raising t~e probable estimated Jewish wealth-in 8.23-8.62 billion 4 ' dollars. In a country by country analysis, Robinson compiles existing documentation
  • [Sebastian's Document Folder] [3]
  • was to acquire buildings of and sizes and to render their accommodation for the and storage of works of art. One of the primary American points was !n Munich, and the responsibility for setting been given to Lieutenant Craig Hugh Smyth, previously a staff
  • sons who have th~ in custody" administer th~ or who may be re­ garded as debtors (Attach documents which may be useful as evidence for the statements): $15}:)]1.00 credit balance with the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, New York4 7. State time
  • 'con:mlUnities, these allie'a nationals, ' , ,woufd,inaccordance wi til pro,cedures,t~ be agreed upon :with OM:roS, ' also consult ,the Grundbuch, a document ot public~ re,cord and , ,alB;? the 'doCuments' in, tlie ,Le.ender pro,Perty officieswh,ich:ar
  • prints, arc~i\"al ma~>erial, etce It was de­ cided to start the miGrqfi lming as soon astha mat~er of the e:tpenses in­ volved is settled •. Dr. Blattberg raised again the!,!question of the slUpment of books previously allotted to Latin American COll
  • , attempted to determine whether ildr. Wenzel has in fact the authority to execute this release and waiver. It is also noted that, in spite 'of the recital in the release, there may well be no cc:n­ sideration for the execlltion of ,this document
  • . These are the· only documents we have d~ClUng)t9-t~ tlj1~ ./" . shipment. , . OJ·[ l v (UVV . , " No freight charges have be~speeified at this end and it will. be' 8. matter ·for NewYork: to handle. The bill of lfading simply in­ dicates the gross weight
Papers [4] (Item)
  • · , , .-.. I., ' effectivesequenti:ally, starting in Aachen on September. 18, 19446~ as the Army moved Governme~t R~gulation(MOR) 23-2050 in Stanford Univ~rsity Government Documents Green, Library,Office of-Military,Government for Gernlany (U;S.), Civil
  • m.orning.• opt~ that removell ot goltt ~s. urgen\. In.' "}; aocordanoe'W1th Department ~uggestlon19S2, ot;~ Deo'ember6, repeated 5r,07.•~Q parlsi,·,10593 t~:,tqnd!,.m; . to' Berll~ lO~S~ . ~i~l attempt to .. ~tlql.Wi(! the S b.~xes ofgo;td ,previously
  • , secret, confidential, or restricted. 15 feet. " . I ; .~ .' . USFET MIS Center. Weekly-status Reports ~reFETmSCm . .HQ USFET MIS CSIR HQ USFET MIS FIR h'Q USFET MIS HlR : HQ . USFET MIS ,. IIR I' HQ USFET MIS ReportCir HQ tiSFET MIS cr CrR . g
  • ::: ~~J}:i ~, Dear Mr. White: There are enclosed for your interest and information,the follo'IYing documents: 'c::;::::::~~/''l!"" A sigQ~"C!-,"""s.t,a~J;;JUJ~t1t.,Q;f:-~,il~Puhl, on, the 2S-~-~ Ore aT"t-s-'hwhi cll was'F,""~-repa-lied ,bi'L-c
  • fundRmentel workfl on Zlonism and a number of Jewish stnndetd booke. :since 19:;:; most of thesa booka hove boan printed in sepnrate editions, one in Herlin for the,' Juodiocher VerlnR, tho other for the NOZUBh Ivrlth , than at Tel Aviv. (2) 8y a document
  • ~' It is 'interesting to ' note that no one in . Berlin oon't~sted the opinion of the HunicXi j Is1;'aeli C.onsul· that there should be no diffioulty in having the documents restituted ' to the Juedisohe Gemeinde. , . " . . !~!: I. . . '.' ' got i-nto touch· wi th
  • Notes of Interviews with Saul Kagan, 8/8 and 8/15/00
  • , I .. Meeting with Saul Kagan August 8, 2000 I i Contrast between the Military Government and the OAP: The military government , returned things to the country of origin but did not insist on restitution efforts. The United States did
JRSO (Item)
  • impossible for me to fini~h the restitution paper - it took a week and a half for the documents tOI arrive here! When they finally did I was deeply I immersed in doing my UK taxes, so I actually cannot promise anything for sure until I return from ptockholm
  • ','" . : ) ' ; : { " , ':, reql1est',to th,e" .' te Depa;rtmen t in: Washington w~ich will Sta , ,'/. , (l~Cid~',,
  • over 300 clerks, typists, 'investigators, and lawyers, utilizing funds and facilities supplied in part by OMGUS. \2 Military authorities' also permitted the JRSO to ~xamine documentation compiled by the National Socialists and the property control
  • [115805-840]; Letter from Saul Kagan, Director, JRSO, to Alexander Roseman, AIDC, "Hq. JRSO New York Letter ,#139," Jun. 29, 1949, Central Archives for the History of the Jewish 'People, Jerusalem, Israel, JRSO NY, File 296a [115593-115603]. ' 8
  • documents cited by JRSO (Colin has this reference and requested this information). • Gene and Ken (probably wit~ Colin) will seek an interview with Saul Kagan. • Steven (Stephen? intern) willI be reassigned to Colin. . • Abraham Edelheit will be asRed
  • librarian and found no correspondence or documentation ori the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Organization. If you have any additional questions,1 please write or telephone the reference archivist at 203/432· 1744, Monday through Friday, 8:30-:12:00 or 1:00
  • . Problems," unsigned and undated document, p. 2. 31 NARA RG26O, Records of the Property Division, Box 15, Restitution file, "Confidential," unsigned and undated memorandum but attached to memo from Kagan to Chief, Property Division, September 19, 1949
  • , as well as records relating to the Jewish Advisor to OMGUS. We delivered two collections of documents inAugust to the PCHA project office at Ft. McNair, accompanied by a brief summary memo describing the materials.' HAl continued and completed its research
  • of Restitution Problems," unsigned and undated document, p. 2 . ' ," '. . . 31 NARA RG 260, Records
  • of the Holocaust Add," Appendix S. Report oJthe Independent Committee oJEminent Persons. Volcker Commission, 1999. ,Y Kagan, Saul, and Ernest H. Weismann. Report on the Operations oJthe Jewish , RestitutionSuccessor Organization, 1947-1972. New York: JRSO, [1972
  • and Oversight Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations H401-139.3 (103-1) November 10, 1993 Saul Kagan - November 10, 1993 pp.32ff " 1996 - 104 1h Congress f, HEARINGS. - Disposition of Assets Deposited in Swiss Banks by Missing Nazi
  • . Occupation QfGermmany, 1945­ 1953, Box I, Six Months Report 4 July 1945 - 3 January 1946, Office of Military Government" U.S. Berlin District, p. 98. . ' 3 fIoover Library, Stanford University, Government Documents Germany, Germany, Territory under U.S
Law 53 Gold (Item)
  • of monetary gold and problematic because the NACP, RG 56, Entry 69A4707, Box 80 [221436]; Memo (Instruction issued at a conference of Mr. Bennett, Mr. Stem, Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Gabell, and Mrs. Kagan reo Reduction of assets by Jun. 30), Mar. 24, 1948, NACP, RG
  • This publication, which included only movable assets such aS,books, documents an!d museum pieces, was the first of its kind and helped various organizations in Europe to locate I . Jewish cultural property. Later, the JCR would publish several additional, more
  • are the priorities within part 3(a)? What documents could be freshly reviewed? What doc~ments have not been, yet need to be reviewed? ' I Documentation Bradsher: Much documentation exists on two areas of importance: 1) what :wasacquired, where andiwhen, in,terms
  • , Libraries and Archives, Dormant Accounts, Gems, Gold, Insurance, Real Property, securitieS); III. Archival Resources (inclu~ing images of source documents) IV. United States Activities Rkgarding Holocaust-Era Assets (including I branches and agencies
  • STATES '.' . , PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION ON HOLOCAUST ASSETS IN THE UNITED STATES ,. Edgar M. Bronfman Chairman Kenneth L. Klothen Executive Director ! . MEMORANDUM To: Saul Kagan From: Kenneth Klothen. Ex~utive Direct~ I Draft Historical
  • Conference, it may be that he took such forms with him when he was in New York, but at any rate I should be , obliged if~1} would send another set to rvlr. cowen, tztJ rI~ .et....t fP",,,:t>IIl-. ~{s.! With kind regards, Yours (C. Kapralik.) SaUl Kagan
  • ): ,May I, considered and passed Senate. ' " , , June 9, considered and passed House, amended, in lieu orH.R. 3662. June 10, senate concurTed in House amendment. , ' WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 34 (1998): June . 23, Presidential
  • ," which listed I I . c~ltural treasures known to have existed before the Nazi occ~pation. I I . This publication, which I i~cluded onl~ssets such as books, document~d ruseum pieces, was the first of its I I kind and helped various organizations
  • constraints could not justify further research on· particular topics addressed in its report, even Utoughsuch research was relevant to the Commission's mandate.· Despite efforts that included the examination of hundreds of thousands of documents
  • documents or manuscripts as the article says, but onlJl about 350. I ·oan testify that this figure comprises . .B.ctually everything :that I .classified as sections I and II during my .stay in Offenbach. lt can es,si1y be explained how. the military
  • •. These have ~viousl$ been,w1tt,ilield from restit~Jonto, Hungary' reI' Csbl(! WI ao6'~7 dat~d'· 21 'June 47. . IIrs Kagan ,::!;", ,.::'''''. , 3. .At the recent COD.f8renc'~";~~~, Mr~ Bennett', it 'W8.s, a,ecld~d to t:l.tftltheeailC;&\t1s\s, . . . over
  • to Military Government",' NACP, RG 84', Box 158, [325546-325548]. : I . ! , 13 Saul Kagan and Ernst H. iWeismann, "Report on the Operations of The Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, 19~ 7-1972", page 7. 14 Saul Kagan and Ernst H. iWeismann, "Report
  • [Sebastian's Document Folder] [4]
  • Germany, Law No. 59 Restitution of Identifiable Property· . Kagan, Soul and Ernest H. Weismann. Report on the Operations of the Jewish Restitution Successor, Organization, page 6. , 57 58 began examining 80,000 reports which were to provide the basis
  • duringtbe war years, and to obtain numerous copies ofhnporumt calurlbutions to scientific or historical research. of basic documents of Nazi party history or government ~ioo. The 2nd Objective is to make up for deficiencies in library coUe
  • of 1948, the Jewish Restitution Successor Organization Military Government Gennany, Law No. 59 Restitution of Identifiable Property Kagan, Soul and Ernest H. Weismann. Report on the Operations of the Jewish Restitution Successor . Organization, page 6
  • Reprlllsentative TO: FP,ilH: I{1~: fI\_ Saul Kagan - JP.30 Sanely Boh S. 1748 h~ )~')nrCh ~9')23h.1 6, ~\~/ .' / ~l .Ii r Further to ntr mem()randl,lm of February 27 on the above' I' am enclosing hereHithcopiesl· oft-he t.vl0 letters 1.\1l1;lch you
  • their property returned or through Gennan currency. This document also 'stated that appropriate organizations should receive heirless and unclaimed property that was subject to restitution. 55 In executing this policy, , the Military Government directed,that all
  • of rules. Under Administrative . O~der No. 49, troops were directe? to turn in all iteI?s of value they found in to their Army Groups for safekeeping. WhileU.S. troops made concerted efforts to collect, document, transfer the assets they intercepted
  • concerte~ efforts to collect, document, aid transfer the assets that they intercepted, winning the war cllarlY took precedence. Yet, as the +r waged on, it became clear that any confiscation of German lassets would inevitably shorten die war. . A U.S
  • that they were i found in the attic of ,a . school building ,'which had formerly been used by the Alfred Rosen-/ berg institute for Jewish studies in·HUngen. The bulk of the Jewish relics and materials tberebad been previously taken, into possession by Military
  • , Dr. Arthur DALLOB, Samuel ELKAN, Dr. Frederick W. ELKAN, Lilith, Miss FERENCZ, Benjamin B. GALEWSKI, Dr. Wolter GRYNBlAT, Maurice HEINEMANN, Dr. Alfons HEllER, Bernhard HERZFELD, Dr. Manfred KAGAN, Soul KATZENSTEIN, Dr. Ernst KLEIN, Eugene KLEIN, Dr
  • Ministerial Collecting Center (MCC),I25 die am 2.August 1945 gegrundete Field Intelligence Agency, Technical (FIAT)I26 und das Berlin Document Center (BDC). Obersicht 8: Organisation von OMGUS und OMGUSZ, November 1945 Office of Military Govemment for Germany
  • , Knesset Committee on Restitution Mr. Saul KAGAN, Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany Rabbi Pincha$ GOLDSCHMIDT, Chief Rabbi of Moscow I Mr. Roman KENT, American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Mr. Kenneth KLOTHEN, Presidential Advisory
JDC Archives (Item)
  • .A .p.. trl=l.l:nen t ' d~ ...Ini mew. ~. • II ~n ;.;; , m~nds. ',' ' . , . . .... 0) pr~voic des fq,d,ili t~s de 'preuve en faveur des' spoli6s en ra.isoD " de leur longue absence, de In dis pgri ti on , des t6moins t de la perte' dos :~ . documents
  • tains to the official minutes v:hich;, in turn, will reveal the proper references to, the ALCO or EXCO paper considered. A f¥1I file of minutes, papers and related documents may be found in the Office of the Quadripartite Director, Room 201, US Embassy
  • : I had asked whether you could please, perhaps with the help of Dan and Albert, put the missing bits into the cites; also Bates stam numbers where the documents were stamped alter Ellen or I copied and sent them to London - in some cases the documents
  • Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States PCHA Box 31 \ I Financial Assets Documents .' . . / ) } Folders 6 -: --11 \ ....,..r \ ./ ~,-- "\". ..... Documents 30'2134 - 304429 PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY
  • of ail relevant documents): g) Number and other Identification Marks: Removed w1th.other materials. or looted. h) Location of Identification Marks:, 6. Address in claimant country to which property is to be sent. and suggestions as to transport
  • 47. ," " , " ",:, 'd,"/' , , ~ 3', Bo:xe s' ' 26 'f'1,v'1~, " 641Diampnds mid Id:e~ti~ied Ei:spropertl of :pegusaa,; Frankf\lrt; De@ss~documente~ Oll' 15 ~h 1948. ' ' Degus'sa : ~ , ~ ~~ \ {> ",II_I ~ l 0 " _,,", j ! " ,', : t
  • ': ~artied •. Mr•• Kagan con­ ,firmed by telephone, that,tw~i cG:piesol~he sillllec::l .gold cGnt:.racthad been mailed to the,. Tri~Partite. Go'ld. •mmissif)n..ltiis;expected to start shipments on. the, 12th. of' Ju~.' .' I .: ,: ' ' \ 4. The Depository
  • are looated,· but we need three "or'! tour ke:r' American pC)rlolllWtl :.. with and financial Investlcating baoktround as.oll··a~:a knuwled£o or Gor:'lall. eo headj..u p ··the proJeot. " I th1nk: Sa1ll: Kagan, C~e:r or t!lO Financo
  • :_ ........ ,, >\' , : ' Freder1ck G. Draper Author!zeCi Representative, US )l!ili'taiy Governor for Germany ' ~ .f':'~' luthor!'zea Representative, JCR, In·c. consented to. o~ and Approved JRSO, Inc. on behalf Date . ,~~ , .. ,.. ;. Saul Kagan ... Author,lzed
  • '-(~{j,../ V;-\ . . .~ ~ i !j. ,/'t> MEMORANDUM March 3, 1954 To: Mr. Maurice M. Boukstein Mr. Moses A. Leavitt· From: Saul Kagan Attached please find Ben's letter of February 27, concerning the opening of the filing deadline for claims
  • Addrc~AI Amfedera, New York PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION MAY,? RUDOLF CALLMANN CIl.I,m.n of the Boa,d ... A V r .. f'\ ...... ~· ........ ·~- 1954 .. Mr. ,,-_ Saul ,Kagan -. 1954 '3.2231 . ~erstate . ~8t by rtrasser, I ~ough afore- n. our 1
  • , ; """j ' BUENOS AIRES Corrienles G 37 1979 EN E V A Quai Wilson J E R USA L E M 1 Ben YehudI! Street WI LONDON 55 New Cavendish SI. MELBOURNE 325 Collins Streel MEXICO CITY C"lIe de Cuba 81 Mr. Saul Kagan, Conference on Claims 270 Madison
  • the nominations for directors and asked Mr. Kagan to read the list. The persons nominated were elected as Directors of the Corporation with the proviso that vacancies would be filled by organizations entitled to nom­ inations. fir. Kagan referred to the material
  • R lED RIC H S TR ASS E 19 PHONE. FRANKFURT 10Ut CABLE. RESTITUTION FRANKFURT . /' V '., • F RAN K FUR!.t M A I N R l J l A R 2 ~ 8 1955 .( A. P. 0.151 25 March 1955. Mr. Saul Kagan JRSO - New York U. S.ARMY Letter #2147. 7030. h
  • be included in the pool of monetary gold and ~~? I r Bennett, Mr. Stern, Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Gabell, and Mrs. Kagan reo Reduction of assets by June 3;0], March 24, 1948, NACP, RG 260, FED, Finance, Box 93 [??????-???] If British Embassy to Mr. Fletcher
  • Catherine Lillie & Moni9a Dugot Holocaust Claims Processing Office I . Gideon Taylor & Saul Kagan . .. , Conference on Jewish Mrter.ial Claims Against Germany Michael Kurtz & David' yan Tassel Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group I I Greg
JCR/JRSO [4] (Item)
  • on Judiciary I Subcommittee on Trading with the Enemy Act H.R. 1873 - Reparations H401-139.3 (103-1) November 10, 1993 Saul Kagan - November 10, 1993 pp:32ff 1996 ~.104thCongress Hearfngs - Disposition of Assets Deposited in Swiss Banks by Missing Nazi
JCR/JRSO [6] (Item)