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8 results

  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RESTRICTION 001. email Brian A. Barreto to Bethany Little, Kendra L. Brooks, John B. Buxton, Ann O'Leary, James R. Kvaal and Christine A. Stanek re
Crime Boston (Item)
  • to ,not ~ used ~ecaus~ he fears ~g and probation officers started vis~ : Long Beach, where rune young- juveniles' homes to enforce curĀ­ repnsals. , ' ./ iting ,the homes of youths on" sters ~nder age 17 were shot ~o: fews and restrictions imposed by "People
  • comprehension). Second. while children's perfonnance on standardJied reading tests is not the only way, or ne
  • program infonnation). B. A yearly inter-departmental release siinilarto the "Early Warning, Timely Response" document. C. A white paper highlighting information/model programs. D. A video with similar information. ' PRESERVATION PHOTOCOPY
  • completion rise for Hispanics with gains in factors such as family income and parent education. Nevertheless, reports and studies document that gaps in school . completion rates between Hispanic and non-Hispanic students remain even after controlling
  • : ~.. ',' . ":. . .',' ." , ' '~ , ERSKINE BOWLES SYLVIA MATHEWS JUDITH WINSTON " , BRUCE REED ELENA KAGAN cf2L ", " ;;' , ,', SUBJECT: , ': ; , RACE INITIATIVE POLICY PROCESS . . '; ~ ' Ibis mC?J.riO' out.,t?~.p~o~e~s we will~e to de~elo,R:,policy announcern~nts
  • will have little effect on admissions and will not take seats away frorh any students who qualify under the old rules, public confusion continues. i. . Dra~ing hom UC documents and university officials, here are answers to frequent questions: Do I have
  • transparency reports; [and the establishment of an international 6 financial and policy standards accord to which countries can 7 subscribe]. 8 enhanced transparency of the IFls through greater release of IMF 9 and world bank documents, and further