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17 results

  • of helping mldd1e-d... famllle, .i1\... New Jersey attain a better quaUty of Ufo. Under hl5 . 1 dtlIllhip, New Jersey II.. embarked on an agenda 01 e""nomlc development, •• business craatloll. property tax iellef. health and welfare reforms, housing
  • Currently, TAPP coordinates closely with the DSS as a source of . 'refetral for lis oosoins Adolescent Family Ufo Program (AFLP) participants woo are eligibleimandlllfd to be In th. GAlNrr... program. Most .......dy, as San Francisco', AFLP
  • ... "'" _ .... oJo! .... capr-+. with BIIp!bf!utwl tat 'WU crfLIdpd bJ' FJiIoidIliw, L... to .. ChU" ..4 otiiOcu ')II ptoIII'Id.t that . . . daJ 'MlCI.Id UfO,. dIIIrI'nft~'.~ _ _ ---.......... ........ _, __ ­ 11 ~ Idne • 01\ a. ifmtb. jl( W Romrc:rIlU. d
Wisconsin [1] (Item)
Jobs [3] (Item)
Newsclips [1] (Item)
Newsclips [5] (Item)
  • (;l('tor fur npnllg(:ment. ilt the Ofiit:l: o~ MallHgemont. &, HHd~eL is' takillM !:imrgp (if tJH! pehlOlHIHl officlJ_ I!HL !,V/o big vlwalh:l1;" s!:J1 l'()main Upt;!!. Aid'~:-I UfO .,lid :«::,I'I:h;OIl; for' n> i "f'SU!/f' ~1: Net,1 lind '