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  • PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON TOPPER FOR NEW MARKETS REMARKS NEWARK,NJ November 4, 1999 Before I begin, let me say that today I will seek Congressional approval for $429 million in additional assistance to the victims of Hurricane Floyd in New Jersey, North
  • in people, opening new markets. 3 That str~tegy has paid off. We are in the longest . economic expansion in our history-with 22 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment in 30 years, the lowest female unemployment in 40 years, the lowest Hispanic
  • to low-income parents. But Congress has literally done nothing. Congress has the opportunity, through our New Markets and Digital Divide initiatives, to reach out to Americans who haven't shared in our tremendous economic growth, and oiler them the tools
  • felt the full benefits of our economic prosperity. It maintains our commitments to empowerment zones and enterprise communities, while adding part of my New Markets initiative, to give investors the same incentives to invest in our inner cities and poor
  • that raises the minimum wage by a dollar over two year, and I will sign it. Fourth, we can keep the economy growing by opening new markets here at home in our hardest..;pressed communities -- and by opening new markets for American products and services
  • part of my New Markets initiative, to give investors the same incentives to invest in our inner cities and poor rural areas that they currently get to invest in new markets overseas. We value a clean environment. This bill provides the Environmental
  • Arkansas Delta/New Markets 12/10/99 [1]
  • Edmonds OA/Box Number: 17509 FOLDER TITLE: Arkansas Delta/New Markets 12/10/99 [ 1] 2006-0462-F r 580 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act- [5 U.S.C. 552(b)l National Security Classified
New Markets (Item)
  • New Markets
  • &_md5=06cc885!90925 fcfdS f9dc61 aab9c6o new markets and california Public Papers of the Presidents Public Papers of the Presidents July 8, 1999 CITE: 35 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 1322 LENGTH: 3919 words HEADLINE: Remarks to the National Academy
  • of the aisle, I launched a New Markets Initiative, to reach those parts of America that economic growth has passed by. We began with the principle that, just as we give companies incentives to invest in developing markets oVerseas, we should give them
  • drug benefit and pay down the debt entirely for the first time since 1835. At;,d ~e can keep the economy growing by opening new markets here at home in our ~t har
  • in the economic shadows, Congress must pass our new markets tax credits, that would give investors the same incentives to invest in new markets here at ho1ne that we give them to invest in new markets overseas. 9
  • , we have another bridge to cross. " We.I.l;-t.Sa.Rk:-s-te-t•weFk-ef-ffitttry-ef-ymt;-l-beli:e'\1e-8tffit.R-Ga.J:G.l.iHa-ts-6H-t~e z;,essm~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~rrEf1~~ • I am personally grateful to Rep. Clyburn for his leadership on our New Markets
  • to shine a light on the vast untapped potential of America's new markets. I have been to Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta; to the inner cities of Newark and Watts; to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. 5 Next week, I·will embark
Race Book [4] (Item)
  • . At 11,000 words, it presents an overview ofthe President's accomplishments and unfinished agenda for building One America. As we agreed, the issues covered are: New Markets, fatherhood, Native Americans, education, civil rights enforcement, hate crimes
Race Book [5] (Item)
  • and Maria Echaveste. As we discussed, you will make recommendations regarding the following issues: New Markets, fatherhood, Native Americans, edu~ation, civil rights enforcement, hate crimes, immigration, criminal justice reform, (ex-offenders, mandatory
Race Book [1] (Item)
  • . ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRESS New Markets- Ensuring that the Benefits of Our Strong Economy Reach All By any measure, America has prospered, both economically and socially over the last eight years. We are now experiencing the longest economic expansion
Race Book [2] (Item)
  • to connect the threads and perfect the fabric of One America. I. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRESS New Markets- Ensuring that the Benefits of Our Strong Economy Reach All By any measure, America has prospered, both economically and socially over the last eight
Race Book [3] (Item)
  • for all Americans. ~ We must keep working to c01mect the threads of our coat of many colors into the fabric of One America. I. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRESS New Markets- Ensuring that the Benefits of Our Strong Economy Reach All By any measure, America
  • the debt entirely for the first time since 1835. And we can keep the economy growing by opening new markets here at home in our hardest-pressed communities -- and by opening new markets for American products and services around the world. We especially need
  • has not yet reached these Indian reservations. America -- in our inner cities, poor rural areas, and on our new businesses, and hire new workers right here in need a 21st Century revolution to open new markets, start To keep our historic economic
  • means rewarding work and family. It means giving businesses the same incentives to invest in new markets here in America that we give them to invest in new markets overseas. It means continuing to expand global trade and, especially giving America's
  • New Markets tour, which will begin in the week of April the 16th. But before I begin, I would like to acknowledge two very important developments yesterday in America's ongoing fight to protect our children from the dangers of guns falling
Oklahoma (Item)
  • friend of mine; a friend to American businesses and American workers everywhere, who did more to create good jobs by opening new markets to our products and services than anybody who ever held his position. He was also a friend to millions of people
  • Arkansas Delta/New Markets 12/10/99 [2]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: terry Edmonds Subseries: ·17509 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Arkansas Delta/New Markets 12110/99 [2] '·. Stack: · s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 ar:e already plailn~a.::Qfficihlt~g~.j
  • . And they should do something else-pass our New Markets Initiative that would provide tax credits and loan guarantees to promote private investment in hard-pressed communities. I want to thank Congressman Rangel for ~~\.~~u:tintroducing this important legislation
  • President Gore and I convened 4 the first Summit of the Americas in Miami. This was a 3-day meeting of the 34 heads of state from Central and South America to discuss ways to open new markets, encourage greater trade, and improve the quality of life
  • cut through an increase in the expensing provision; .J ,· • expanding ·trade through NA:FTA,, GATT, and opening new markets . in Asia and the. Americas; ,., • 8 o 8 signed law· requiri11g Co.ngress to abide by requirements it places
  • Clinton's New Markets Initiative is helping to bring economic development and renewal to communities that have not benefited from the soaring economy. BUILDING ONE AMERICA: President's One America Initiative. President Clinton has led the nation
  • to the Nation's 24 million small businesses. In addition, the conference report does not include funds for your New Markets Initiative to invest in targeted rural and urban areas. Although funds were added to SBA in the conference negotiations, these funds were
  • on record (comparable data go back to 1994) Between 1994 and 1999 the number of African American families that ow-ned their own homes increased by 1.1 million. Encouraging Investment in lJndencrvcd Communitic~ with the New Markets Initiative. President
  • !MO / ENDING POVERTY THE THIRD WAY Clinton's New Markets Initiative Offers a Hand Up, Nat a Handout BY AL FltOM n early July, 1 traveled with President Clinton anQ a small group of business, civic, and government leaders to hard-pressed communities
  • four percent of the world's population. Our success in the future rests heavily on selling American goods and services to the remaining 96 percent of the world. When we open new markets, we find new consumers for 2 American products. When we sell more
  • . Document will he reviewed upon request. :::· "' 0 :' : ' - ' - I I I I I OFFICE OF SPEECHWRITING TERRY EDMONDS ARCHIVES BOX #2 FDR Memorial Brady Bill World AIDS Day Economic Report of the President New Markets Arts and Humanities Airline Safety
  • shoulders; I think it will help. I am proud of the D.C. College Access Act, which now has 3,000 of your young people going to college in other places for low in-state tuition. (Applause.) And I am still hoping we will succeed in passing our New Markets
  • economics. He focused on reducing the deficit, opening new markets for American products through tough trade agreements and targeting investments in education and training and in strengthening working t~unilies. The results have been astounding. In 1992
  • , the new economy means forming new alliances, partnerships, or mergers to form powerful organizations to enter new markets; be more competitive, productive, and flexible; achieve greater efficiencies; and gain market share. • To TRADE ADVOCATES, the new
  • .) • Challenge the governors and business leaders to use the tou2hcr state und local academic standards as an opportunity to help the software developers and developers of new interactive on-line learning materials and resources to "define a new market of high
  • budget that invests in education, that puts more police on the street, that enforces civil rights, ensures equal pay, expands health care, and creates opportunities for all Americans to share in our strong economy through our New Markets Initiative
  • to the other 96 percent of the world. When we open new markets, we find new consumers for our products. When we sell more products, we create more jobs. Every billion dollars in new exports creates 17,000 new American jobs. That's why I've done by dead-level
  • nations intended to help flagging economies in those regions by opening new markets. The measure, passed by a vote of 76 to 19, would reduce or eliminate tariffs and quotas on a wide range of goods made in sub-Saharan Africa, Central America
  • . Something like: How shaH we meet this challenge? By understanding that we will be better off if all of the world is better of£ This has been our collective experience of expanding trade and development that is creating new markets for our goods and new jobs
  • Arkansas Delta/New Markets 12/10/99 [3]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries:. 17509 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Arkansas Delta/New Markets 12/10/99 [3] Stack: s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 Sea~ch - 13 Results - clinton and John Gammon
  • neighborhoods. I propose more community development banks, like the South Shore Bank right here in Chicago, to help people in those neighborhoods start their own small businesses. More jobs; more incomes; new markets for America right here at home making welfare
  • consumers' demands. They need new markets and more customers. I have spent my life on the front lines of the changing mrkforce - as a businesswoman, a government executive, and a coiT111Unity leader - creating opportunities for people to achieve
Vernon Jordan (Item)
  • interest rates and keep the economy growing; -- Investing in people through education and training; -- Opening new markets through more than 200 tough trade agreements. • That strategy has worked: -- In '92, the deficit was $290 billion; today, we expect
  • of goals: First, we must lift up our eductional system to make it the best in the world and provide the kind of opportunities our young people need by ... ... Sencond ... SOCIALSERVICE INNOVATIONS???? Third; we must meet the challenge of opening new markets
  • and government training expenditures; creates new markets for training c01'itent and delivery mechanisms; ultimate widespread local, regional, and national economic benefits, including investment incentives associated with having highlytrained workers. Benefits
  • know that they didn't htlf)pen by accident. V/e got here because of our -commitnrc:ctzto fiscal discipline, investments in our peopl~and a Jhahtgy of opsHn;g new markets for American products and services. 8ur task is to;;;@yili .gu -ettt chile~n
  • working families. As we work to open new markets, we must negotiate to guarantee that all trade agreements include standards to protect children, workers, public safety, and .the environment. We must ensure adequate trade adjustment assistance
  • that the new global economy is directly beneficial to American working families. As we work to open new markets, we must negotiate to guarantee that all trade agreements include standards to protect children, workers, public safety, and .the environment. We
  • that. growth does not come from government neglect or government spending. Instead, it comes from government helping individuals to work smarter~ to learn how to do more, from entrepreneurs taking more risks,and going after new markets, from corporations
  • and technologies, and opening new markets at home and abroad. 5 INTERAGENCY DRAFf 11/7/00 CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY & CLOSE HOLD OFFICIAL USE ONLY The interactions among these drivers have created virtuous circles in which developments in one area have reinforced
  • the company's financial health .. Now, ADAC is leveraging its continuous-improvement capabilities to compete in new markets that it has targeted to expand its bu,~iness. The company's experience teaches that quality does indeed pay. Between 1990 and 1995
  • billion worth of high-tech exports, opening new markets for high-tech companies. Against the wishes of the powerful State Department, Brown also convinced Clinton to reverse a government policy of more than 20 years and require that some countries
Race Book [1] (Item)
  • . 34. 35. 36. Parental Unemployment 11130/99 WTO 11199 USA Today Op-ed piece 12/99 Chief of Staff Meeting 12/7/99 FDR/TIME Magazine 12/8/99 Arkansas Delta/New Markets 12110/00 Millennium: National Cathedral112/00 Greenspan Appointment 1/4/00 November
Arkansas [2] (Item)
  • , at the small towns and the inner-city communities that have been left behind as a big new market for America; that if we had parts of America where we hadn't had new investment and new jobs and new opportunity, and we were growing like crazy and we had the best
  • of our administration ':s foreign policy has been opening new markets abroad and aggressively helping our compete, to create. jobs for Americans here at home. .But ther~ are times when 1mportant ec_onornic interests must give way to even _more
  • Shore Bank right here in Chicago, to help people in those neighborhoods start their own small businesses. More jobs; more incomes; new markets for America right here at home making welfare reform a reality. (Applause.) Now~ folks, you cheered -- and I
  • surged (see Chart 3-1). Advances within each area of IT have created new markets; extended existing markets, and improved the efficiency of firms and industries. The most impressive technological advances have beeri in speed, storage, and data
  • better than anyone else. tffe-came-on-like-a-force-ofna~. Yesterday I received a letter from one of the many business executives that Ron Brown helped to open new markets around the world. 'He's on our Export Council, and he said in this letter, "You know
  • and modernize Medicare, including a voluntary prescription drug benefit. To make sure hard-working Americans have a place at the table of our prosperity, we must pass a New Markets Initiative to give Americans the 2 of3 11/29/1999 5:57PM Tod~v's Press
Smoking (Item)
  • -care reform · viding new markets . for the insurance · last year," said House· Minority Leader industry and other entities involved in Richard Gephardt of Missouri. . . ·managed care. "isn't an assured bonanza Coalition members iilclude the Alliance
  • in research and technology to keep America on the cutting edge ofthe global marketplace. Second, we must continue to expand trade. The President knows that to stay on that cutting edge well into the future, we must do everything we can to open new markets
  • new educational software so the most exciting videogame in America can be learning, not Mortal Kombat. As more schools are linked to the Internet, educational software will become a potentially enormous new market. The challenge to software programmers
  • in aviation today are as profound as a.riy this industry has seen before. Since 1992, sixty new airline.s have started service, opening up new markets, attracting new passengers, andimpactingthe eco~oinits ofthe industry signific~tly. 2 The number
  • , to learn how to do more, from entrepreneurs taking more risks and going after new markets, from corporations designing better products and taking- a longer ' view. So we need to. reward work, expand opportunity-, empower people, and then we can .win again
Arkansas [1] (Item)