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  • -wage jobs · that promise a fair shot at the American dream. New markets for products made in the U.S.A. Cleaner air for our children. 5 Our most important accomplishments have been in the area of trade. We agreed to complete negotiations
  • the American people at home. Through GATT, NAFTA and other trade agreements, we have opened new markets for American business and created hundreds ofthousands of new jobs. Auto workers in Toledo, Ohio owe their jobs to complex trade treaties. By maintaining
  • ; to combat terrorists, drug traffickers and international criminals; to create American jobs by opening new markets for our exports; and to support the forces of peace, human rights and democracy around the world who look to America for leadership
  • ~at. has We agreed on principlJs to help open ..- new markets and to create a free trade area throughout our hemisphere. We dedicated ourselves to improving the quality of life for all our people by improving their education, their health
  • trend toward democracy and free markets. 2 • In the face of opposition from all corners -- including his party -- the President has opened up new markets for American exports. In the global economy, NAFTA, GATT, and closer ties with Latin American
  • that it reaches across the generations to your children and · · beyond. . I I ·. 14 As you·return to Europe's fold, we stand with you .. we will bel restore your lands .... bring ~ new .markets· to life.... !;UK~ find prosperity for your people. We
  • hemisphere will gather to begin to seize this opportunity. I convened this Summit of the Americas with three clear goals: ------ open new markets and create a free trade area throughout our to . · 1 I I hemisphere; to strengthen our democracies
  • their chilqren, and to leave the next generation better off than the . last. I 21 . The success ofNAFTA; which is generating new jobs and opening new markets from Monterrey to Medicine Hat, is the proof. And now, as Prime Minister Chretien has said so well
  • carefully planned assistance and technical support programs have helped to privatize and rationalize a vast new market Eventually, that market can absorb billions of dollars in American exports and support tens of thousands of jobs back home. These are. some
  • families more safe and secure -- curbing the spread of nuclear weapons and combatting terrorism and international· crime. We have engaged to increase our prosperity -opening new markets around the world and creating new, high-wage jobs. And we have engaged
  • that we will win the peace that follows our 50 years of Cold War struggle. Democracy is fragile; it needs nurturing. Not all of the new market economies have taken deep root. Aggression by rogue states, ethnic intolerance, international terrorism
  • highway system across America. In 1990, that figure had shrunk to just above one percent. How can we expect our economy not to shrink also, until we reverse that trend? We must find new markets, expand trade, make trade fair for Americans, and ensure
  • n:J:aat internatim::al crime· and. drug trafficking, and develop free markets that offer •'~t::::·Jl·l:illti': :Jpportunitie::: tq :ill th·e:ir people. . . · The t .."1
  • of the Americas with three clear goals: to open new markets and create a free trade area throughout our hemisphere; to strengthen our democracies; and to bring togeth'er our nations to improve the quality of life for our people. If we are successful, Le Summit
  • . . ' · ·· . I did not reach my decision in the Conoco. ~ase lightly. . · · One of the m·ajor hallmark~:ofiny.Administration's · foreign policy has been opening new markets abroad artd· aggressively I?.elping our firms to compete globally . .. However
  • budgetary discipline are always there. The Russian Government ha:s some tough steering ahead a:s it approaches the pa~sage of the 1995 budget through Parliament. Shaping. a new market economy out of the lunacy of central planning,. the distortion
  • interest above his self-interest. I did not reach my decision in the Conoco case lightly. Oneofthe major hallmarks of my Administration's foreign policy has been opening new markets abroad and aggressively helping our firms to compete globally. However
  • is generating new jobs and opening new markets from Monterrey to Medicine Hat, is the proof. And now, as Prime Minister Chretien has said -~--~-------------- -------- ----c-:------~--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 9 so well, we
  • destruction; new markets for U.S. prOducts; and. · · but not out...· . . · , ·-~ . program, the 'American' Bar .A8soci8- · powerfUl, reliable partner· for diplo-: . . . PerhaPs the most important poirit tion iS helping the RU88iarl Gov~rnment - niacy as well
  • of the Americas with three clear goals: to open new markets and create a free trade area throughout our hemisphere; to strengthen our democracies; and to bring together our nations to improve the quality of life for our people. If we are successful, the Summit
  • ' . . . ·. development, democratic.: government, ·and p'ol_it,ical stability.. in . ,.'' )' key new markets like the.· foriner Soviet Union,_· Latin America, ', 0~ ~ell. interdepende~ce can be a source-of Th~ rec~nt econo~ic ~risis /'-~.;_~oi~t. II courser
  • , "They are the harbingers of a much worse 21st century than anything we've seen in the half century of American leadership." It does not have to be that way. Ifwe continue to invest in democracy, in arms control, in stability in the developing world, in the new markets
  • will do more -- to open new markets, to enforce our trade laws, and to ensure that an expansion of trade works to the benefit of our workers, our environment and our communities. This is a time of breathtaking transformations. The global economy now moves
  • sup~rhighway, we will create new markets to expand overall growth. eoonany. Third, we will face the tinderbox issues of global population and the environmental crisis. In coming years, prosperity and security will depend more than ever on progress
  • compete, and we have: With both part es working together, we have opened new markets, increased Americ n exports and created new {} 6 ~Jf aore L U nor ~tnr . We high-paying jobs hera at home. New trade with Mexico and Canada under NAFTA has created
  • Clinton September '14, 1993 Washington, D.C. Background The North American Free Trade Agreement· (NAFTA) went into effect on January 1, 1994. But the potential for developing new markets and free trade with Mexico and Canada has been increasingly apparent
  • , and soup kitchens provided the only sustenance for millions of the impoverished. Within the depression, however, lay .the seeds of Chile's current boom. Forced to look out· ward for new markets, Chilean companie~ turned into dynamic "exporters; which today
  • of crisis prevention. I want them to see the jobs created by developing new markets. I want them to see the ways we are helping them avoid the new threats of disease and pollution of our air and water . . The development work we do overseas is no different
  • will be a better partner in promoting peace and stability. A prosperous Russia can become a major new market for American businesses and workers. o To truly understand our stake in Russia, imagine the disastrous results if Russia reverted .to authoritarianis
  • will discuss many topics: making our govejents more efficient. ... fighting the narcotics trade ... .improving the health and educatiln of our children .... and protecting our environment. . My top priority at this Summit is to open new markets and help
  • ·. .~ . . ' . ~' . ' . (. . ' .. . . . I.I j' : • Presid~nt clinton'.~. primary-· gC>al · i~ •. t,o put. a democratic' · \ hemisphere squarely on the road toward freer. trade ·bp'ening new ·markets ·and· creating new ,.Jobs. · . · ·· , ' · 1 .. •• • 1' .... : •. I '· . :i
  • rapid change that leaves societies poised between the promise ofa·prosperity unimaginable a generation ago, and the risk of breakdown as economic and social inequalities wor~. America must find new ways to . lead: to fashion new markets and open
  • . disp~tched missions all the way to ' . I . Japan to open new markets. By the Civil War, our navy had saifed every ocean. ~L %L r l." ~J\ : ~\ ~~ '~'-'" Our entry into World Wax I brought home to us that a grellt po\ver with vast territory aD.d strong
  • before on opening up new markets .overseas. ·. And so we will insist on fair trade rules in international markets. · A part of our national economic strategy must be to expand trade on fair terms, including successful completion of the latest round
  • that the changes may be working. Further changes are on the way. Mr McFarlane is shaking up the business by creating a new markets division, which should further rein In the bank's buccaneering tendencies. The operation will have two new senior executives: one
  • "' ' .. . .·... . . . . . ~- . . . ' . . .·. ·. • ' In foreign direct investm~nfeverybody wins. The country that:hosts the-venture receives . . royalties, profits and new or expanded ~usinesseS w~ch create jObs and ·fuel eco~omic· . growth. American companies gain new markets for their pro~ucts or servic
Carbon Tax (Item)
  • r.ew jobs a~d naw technologies and new markets -- are we going to hava el~ctric c~re and alternative tuel vehicles? Or are we going to stand pat with Geor~e suah while the world paeeee u~ by. -' Bill ·Clintcn has a vision of the futu:e. He
  • . to increase prosperity and security . athonw and abroad. . -~ I '. ., ' ' ' ' ' .' ·~ ' .,_ ,-;;,, • · · Engagement abroad b~nefi~s· the Americalt peqple at home. . _. · ·· :. :.:. Thrdugh GATT, NAFTA other trade)ig~eenu~nts,. we have opened new
  • .' · ' · · · ,. ' at • .Engagement-abroad benefits the Americ~ peopie· honre. . . .. . .· \ . Through GATT, NAFTA and other tnide-agreements, we have opell.ed new markets for American~business·arid created hundreds of thousands ofnewjobs. Auto workers. . . . . . .·in Toledo,Ol!io
  • in partnership with state and local government of our time, to put people to work and to preserve the environment for our future. (Applause.) standing as we are on the edge of a new century, we know that economic growth depends as never before on opening up new
  • into emerging global economic and security systems. This policy is designed to prevent the reemergence of a threat to U.S. security from Eurasia and reduce the defense burdens of the Cold War years; to create a partner for trade and investment and new markets
  • new markets for American exports. Let us agree, Republicans and Democrats alike; that governing responsibly compels us to form a partnership based on these self-evident national goals. •• ~ .~.w~',.:., • '-·•• . ~ 0' i' ·:. ~ .· r
  • with you. We will help you to restore your land, to bring new markets to light, to find prosperity for all your people. We will be partners so that your nations can be forever free." President Clinton Riga, Latvia July 6, 1994 The heart of U.S. policy
  • commerce. And, the creation of a major new market for American goods and services. George Bush kept America largely on the sidelines in the democratic revolution that . I toppled the Soviet empire and is transforming the face of world politics. Time
  • enough good jobs. At home, there is still too much violence and not eno.ugh hope~ And abroad, the young .democracies and new market economies we support look to us for leadership and action. FOREIGN POLICY Never has America's leadership in the world been
  • skills .2.-±-lacquired under the old system to become some of the .world's most careful consumers. Your economy grows and spawns new markets every day. But the enthusiasm of the first months of freedom has long since faded. To many, economic reform has
  • will also develop new, clean, and efficient energy sources for the future. · · · · · The 21st Century Fund will create large, predictabie markets for infrastructure, stimulating private industry to invest to . I , .;.;., I ' i ! serve these new
  • Jim Langlois, executive director of the National Apparel and Textile Association. As a result, apparel manufacturers may seek new markets abroad to make up for lost sales at home. "Mexican manufacturers have ignored the foreign market and concentrated
  • destabilizing arms races. Democracies are likely to be more prosperous and interested in expanding trade opening new markets for US goods and services. And strong, stable democracies are more likely to be our allies in combating international crime and drug
  • Privatization Program (PPP). Under the National Investment Funds which will manage the enterprises, at least some· of the .companies should gain access to loans and new markets. Five funds will be established in the first quarter and will be supervised by both
  • -term growth, IDA is a lifesaver. Take away our contribution to the IDA and the United States loses one of its most effective means of spurring economic reform and opening new markets. Begun under the Eisenhower administration-- and backed by both
  • for our International Affairs budget of $21.2 billion: Our budget protects American lives by combating the spread of nuclear weapons, the threat of terrorism, and the scourge of drugs. It supports American jobs by promoting U.S. exports and creating new
  • in that country. . . I . I At the Summit of the Americas, President. qinton and the other 33 democratically · elected leaders of the hemisphere began to map out! a course to open new markets and create ~ free trade area ~hrough~ut the_ ~eric~s; to; stre
  • that are destined for Western Europe and South Africa, a booming new market. Under Kaunda, many prominent drug dealers were arrested and deported, but reportedly many of them started trickling back to Zambia once the new government came to power. With all
  • , and political stability-- the conditions upon which key new markets in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Central Europe depend. But we must not be complac~nt. Aggression, intolerance, and tyranny still challenge the march of democracy and threaten our interests
  • . Within a few years, studio employment dropped by thousands and many predicted Hollywood would die-but Hollywood adapted. Many Hollywood people found work in TV, and that included a certain actor. The studios themselves discovered new markets, . and among
  • , a very : , . · new 'markets· to light~ I. to. find prosperity for· satisfactory .discussion about what we cduld; · all your people. And we will rejoice with you' do 'together ·to strengthen /Poland in ,.terms when •the' .laSt of the fo~eign; troops vanish