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  • power of the federal govemment to create new markets for environmentally beneficial goods and services. For example, I have issued an Executive Order^ requiring the federal government to purchase paper containing at least 20 percent postconsumer recycled
  • Association of Manufacturers releases examples of how the NAFTA t r e a t y w i l l create new markets f o r U.S. ggods. North lobby, 15th f l o o r , NAM o f f i c e s , 1331 Penn. Ave., NW. 9:30 a.m. House Budget Committee holds f u l l hearing on budget
  • of other things. There's lots of work we need to do here to open new markets — you asked the NAFTA question — to get t h i s economy turned around. But I expect to be held accountable. I j u s t would t e l l you, t h i s b i l l i s important. Without i t
  • are an ever-morealready seen jobs moved from the distant memory, local union officials United States to Mexico. say. Americans will have more jobs from Loss of'the Good Job' the trade agreement, which will open Mr. Kildee agrees: "For aboul the new markets
  • so that we favor investment for jobs, that we give people ways to lower t h e i r tax burden by investing to create jobs. The third thing I'm trying my heart out to do i s to open new markets for our American products and services around the world. I