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  • NEC – New Markets [2]
  • TO AMERICA'S NEW MARKETS BACKGROUND As you know. you will travel the week ofJuly S· throughout the United States to highlight underserved markets and (0 bring attention to tbe need for acceSs to capital in economicaUy distressed areas" We plan for you
  • NEC – New Markets [1]
  • will announce on Friday the New Markets Initiative. which will dramatically expand capital investments in our underserved areas, This initiative will include: • A New Market Investment Tax Credit: You will propose a new $1 uiHion tax credit, which
  • been full partners in our economic revival. And, we ean't conlinue tu do well into tile 21d century unless the dtJOrs of economic opportunity are wide open for aU Americans. That's Wlltlt the New Markets Initiative is all about." Magnet Capital
  • ·'1999-SE-007773 . DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON, D.C.! SECRETARY OF THE TREA~;URY July· 15, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT summer~ FROM: Lawrence H. SUBJECI': New Markets: RepOrt on *isit to Harlem, USA and New York
  • Loans and Technical Assistance for New Markets Borrowers 99-23 3123199 SSA Opens Workshop Series to Promote Venture Capital Investments in 'New Markets' ( 3 99-19 3117/99 Successful SBA-Led Trade Mission To Ireland tv1cans More Than Green
  • community - women and minorities, Our job is to help close the gaps that are impeding progress, The President's New Market's Initiatives also focuses on the opportunity gaps with the expectation that closing those gaps will foster continued economic progress
  • BUSINESS'LI C i I I I . / ~999-SE-007773 .;, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON, D.C. SECRE.TARY OF THE. TR£AS'JRY July 15, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT summer~ FROM: Lawrence H. SUBJECf: New Markets: Report on Visit to Harlem
  • and Organizations to Improve Ac~ess of New Market Entrepreneurs 17 lnteragency Agreemems and MOUs signed by Administrator Aida j~lvarez and Deputy Administrator Fred Hochberg 18 CIIA1'TER 4 Small Business Innovation Resource (SB1R) Handbook 19
  • these types of alliances as a way to grow and move into new markets. I'd like to talk about one such strategic alliance. Tomorrow, the Secretary of Commerce will announce the award of an IBM distributorship to a joint venture between a group of , African
  • ." ... '"" ...,...... H_'''.' ... " .. "'" 500 275 Digkal Divide"."""""" .......,..............."."" 100 55 New Markets ................. "..". ........", ........... I(j() 55 Native Anierk:ans ....................,...""""...,, 100 55 600 330
  • ($465 million in new BA), • • ,. $18 million far civil rights programs (Civil Rights Division $:0 million. EEOC $3 million, and LSC $5 million) ($669 million), $1 million for thc, US Parole Commission ($S mi1l!{m), $17 million for the New Markets
  • , there are still places in America where small firms have not fully participated in the nation's phenomenal economic recovery. We are committed to helping these new markets gain access to our programs and services. As a "gap lender" that is addressing imperfections
  • customer:::;1 t" :'. " ,,' . 'j(\"ont;;GC:i I j;.Jtit:,i pro.. ut:tI~en tel.: line::., • impron:d eompctitkcHess, ,Jnd, . . , , • cW(lr
  • have regained our position as the world's leading exporter. Last year u.s. trade in goods and. services exceeded one trillion dollars. . . ,',. opening up new markets is the key to new job creation and · , - 3 - , economic grc)wth. NAFTA
  • and create new markets for United States agricultural exports or increase the volume or value of United agricul­ tural exports; and (C) disseminating information on successful methods used to develop and expand markets for United States agricultural
  • shelf life. regulations. Through negotiations with animal and plant health officials in foreign countries, USDA obtained new markets for American agricultural produc·ts estimated to be worth $34 million annually. -more- !J-2­ The President~s Northwest
  • constituents wishing to move forward on the path of sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural communities, whether it be in new research and marketing programs, education, or extension for individual farmers, statistics and information in new markets
  • a course to change the culture of thl~ U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). wnile th~ media has focused most of its attention on Espy's efforts to open new markets for Americall agricultu~ei enhance the Safety of our nation's food supply, streamline
  • that protect favored cO}1lpanies from new competitors, new products, and new marketing strategies constitute a very direct kind of managed trade. Failure of government agencies to enforce laws designed to prevent cartels and other collusive arrangements from
  • systematic manner, would provide uS with the infomlation we need to make sure we are serving all customers well. This report describes bow we have improved the WdY we collect feedback using our new Market Measurement Program, wbat we cu~enti}' do
  • provisions. ,,' , , New Markets Initiative To promot~ Administration initiatives to bring equity capital to under-served communities., To , enact the New Markets Tax Credit. ,To support SBA, HUD and NEC in their efforts to develop 'and enact l~gislation
  • - October 13, 2000 - National Neighborhood Networks Week Begins Tomorrow (3) 33. Daily Focus - October 17, 2000 - National Neighborhoods Network, Week Underway (2) 34. New Markets Booklet (51) 35. Now Is The Time - Places Left Behind In The New Economy
  • -·, • "~. ~. '~'. ' _ . _ ' . '.......... ' . '.'1... r . . . ."t>. f:" ,pu -, •• ' - . ' . ' .,' • .-~.L {.I -. '.~. ~'~' •. ~. ,...., researc h' "d"" . . . , •• ' , _,.0' • 'J.'::'~_~ '.' . '.' too elvers'lI-ee:mar)(et-oata'reportS-: '", '. -... ~ , Exp'9nn g' New. Markets
  • in the House version of the bill. Such funding levels would impede NIST's standards leadership and delay construction of its Advanced Measurement Labofalory. Small Business Administration ~- New Markets, The Administration is very concerned that neither
  • ! CDFJ Fund .... :................................................. , ................................... 116 I President's New Markets In/t/otive ..........................;................................. .. 117 ( Establishment ofthe OffICe o
  • UPS, 'NEW MARKETS' Streamlined Loans with Les,. Paperwork, Fast TlIrnarolllld, More Lemler,. \VASHINGTON - U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Aida Alvarez today announced that h"o streamlined small Joan programs are expected
  • opportunities and strengthened guarantees of fair trade for manufacturing, from steel to autos, agriCUltural equipment,' wood products, and home, appliances. ': ' , I , ! (. . " I i , i. ,i Representatives of rural districts will see new markets for your
  • ideas, software, books, movies. music, data, and other information in digital form will be bought and sold by bi!lions of people' every day. This will opeo new' markets' for American products ana give American consumers an evell wider choice
  • . What we are going to do is to provide technical assistance through the Village Foundation to create new marketing opport.unities to diversify farming for African-American farmers and to create a revolving 00:17:04:23 lo~n fund. The reason we're
  • -American farm. The project will be with the Village Foundation which is a private foundation, with support from USDA. What we are going to do is to provide technical assistance through the Village Foundation to create new marketing opportunities
  • emphasized when you were in Congress was to do with trade and new markets and you began immediately becoming rather involved in the negotiations on the general agreement, on tariffs and trade. A: Well again ma~be I was just there at the right time. know
  • emphasized when you were in Congress was to do with trade and new markets and you began immediately becoming rather involved in the negotiations on the general agreement, on tariffs and trade. A: Well again ma~be I was just there at the right time. know
  • econ.omy was self-contained. Now we are interdependent with the rest of the·world.. Over a quarter of our GNP is dependent on trade. Ai; a mature economy, the United States must open. new markets 1t:.o foster growth. We have four percent of the world's
  • more opportunities to s~ll our goods and services in foreign markets. His means toward that goal have been to enter into agreements which open new markets to U.S. exports; monitor and enforce those agreements to ensure our trading partners are living up
  • in the late 19905, Regional conperation was on the rise, and so was cooperation with stales beyond the region. And even with the uncertainties oftransltton, hundreds of U.S. businesses were able to find new markets and suppliers in Russia and the other N
  • ON ][MPROVING ACCESS TO THE JAPANESE MARKET FOR FILM' I . , United States Trade Representative ;Charlene Barshefsky and Commerce Secretary William Daley today announc,ed a new market opening initiative for imported photographic materialsin,Japan. ,"Acc~ss
  • , multilateral and sectoral initiatives to open new markets to American exports. -30­ Note: Public copit:s of the 1998 Trade Policy Agenda and 1997 Annual Report are available in Room 103 ofUSTR's Office of Public Affairs. In addition, the report is located
  • such as Appalachia, Native American lands, the Mississippi Delta and Alaska. President Clinton set a goal of starting a "2I st century revolution to open new markets abroad and right here in America" with initiatives to bridge the opportunity divided so
  • , chair of the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMC), will attend. . President's New Markets Initiative: Rural AZ Gets Development Money: On September 21, USDA approved a $10 million: Business and Industry (B&I
  • and worker rigbts. U.S. - European relations will be complicated as sharpening commercial rivalry among the major exporting countries intensifies for new markets. We will be challenged to find the right formula to bring the BEM countries more fully
  • , Senator Lugar will hold a hearing on the, interstate shipment bill New Markets for State-Inspected Meat Act of 1999, removing the prohibition on the interstate shipment of state­ inspected meat and poultry products. . Commodity Markets in Review: Wheat
  • ofdominant carrier physical facilities; ! e. Prohibition on NIT regional operators entering new markets (e.g. long­ , I distance) until theyhave demonstrated, based on objective measurements, that local markets have been fully oJened to competition; f
  • to expand trade:and create new markets and opportunities· for American products iov~rseas. The.Framework and its follow on negotiations ~ill prom6t~ these goals. cO~p'letion' urJguaYRO~nd;an~. Along with of the the lfAFTA, a major trade policy goal
  • that brought electricity to farms during the l Depression to bring. Internet service now, he said. The Internet can help connect producers to new markets, both domestically and around the world, Glickman said. The farm crisis has hit some areas hard, Glickman
  • are available to the people of the United States; PUBLIC LAW 104-127-APR. 4,1996 110 STAT. 1075 (4) the maintenance and expansion of existing markets and uses· and the development of new markets and uses for . popcorn are vital to the welfare
  • FROM: GEl'·/E SPERLING SUBJECT: NEC \VEEKLY REPORTS cc: JOHN PODESTA New Markets: Following, our discussion with you on Thursday to finalize sites for your upcoming New Markets trip we have talked with the First Lady's office, Mayor Daley's
  • of supply/demand restrictions and other cumbersome restrictions on licensing of new market entrants. I c. Remove immediately any district licensing requirements for trucking services that specify a minimum number of vehicles that must be operated. D
  • to open existing markets,tmt it is also helping " ::;;;;- ....:; . other nations to build new markets from the ground up. ':, .1 ,i 'I • What are the building blocks of these new markets? O~e is the rule of law. .. .Many nations in the big
  • trillion in worldwide insurance premiums; and it includes commitments from 102 countries, including virtually all the world's major eoonomies. Altogether, this has helped U.s. service suppliers expand commercial operations and find new market opportunities
  • will work with the industry to achieve mutual goals. I will discuss the need for cooperation in the areas of global climate change and nuclear ,. waste disposal. while supporting the efforts of.the utilities to expand into new markets domestically
  • In recent decades, Economic growth bas opened new markets for alternative agricultural . products, aod in general, has widened income opportunities for hilltribes. Overall, the superior performance of the Thai ecooomy was crucial to the success
  • . While 1-49 is not part of the Delta proper, this major transportation artery will significantly improve market access via connecting routes that do run through the Delta. The President's New Markets legislation -- which offers tax incentives and other
  • that n~ceived federal suppon in its startut' phase. • Jason Slaughter will talk about his deciSion to locate in the city of Atlanta, Although his • • business is not located in the EZ it is In an area that fits the model for a New Market. Slaughter
  • than simpJy a program or initiative:' President Clinton personally helped launch the Youth Opportunity Movement in Los Angeles in July of 1999 as part of the Administration's New Markets Tour. (The goal of the President's New Market initiative
  • of new markets where minorities are generally under-represented (0 pos.; +$400).. MBDA is also requesting an increase which would allow MBDA to provide teadership to corporations wanting to expand business with minorities and to encourage others who have
  • , which has now passed both Houses of Congress, will strengthen each part:of our African trade initiative: helping African countries find new markets, strengthening our political!:dialogues,iand encouraging invest~ent and development in Africa. , I I 2
  • ' .. . .. I~itiatjy~ '4:gjslati~n, ~eek's~ ~~ will'iil~cly h~v~' the ,w'Markets in the'next 4-6 three . bills drafted for the new markets initiative (tax, APlCs, and New Markets Venture G(JpJtal Firms) which the President laid out in New York in January
  • commitments and obligations. 3 of? 81221004:10 PM , I American farmers and ranc~hers will see new markets open across the board. On U.S. priority products, China's agricultural tariffs
  • in the II content " or "computers" segment of the telecommunications and information sector, nor investments by firms elsewhere in the economy that wi11 obtain access .to new markets and new ways of providing their services from the creation of the NII
  • . Since 1985, U.S. exports have roughly tripled from about $300 billion to an expected $900 billioJ;t this year. In . I . But, we cannot rest on our past accomplishments. ,We milst find new markets for ouf goods and services inord~r to help our
  • a new marketing an'cl o\ltreach campaign will lead to a t~ipling of SEA loan asslstance to Hispanic-owned businesses during the Clinton Administration. AdministratoL Alvarez annou_nced the effort during a luncheon address 'l'!1ursday (OCL 31 to ~;he
  • a. Develop and deliver new courses where customer needs indicate a new market. Prospects include: new course on managing disabilities Developmental work started, met with DOD stafTwho helped to identifY resource speakers. Project curtailed; course cancened
  • allow depository institutions to retain some credit risk. In the long tenn, however, it also may expedite the GSEs' efforts to enter new markets in search ofprofit . opportunities. \ . D. Possible Steps We Can Take This Year .Our ability to influence
  • decrease the likelihood that needier schools will receive corporate sponsorship payments, In addition, we may need to consider whether the proposal should be expanded to the so-called "Renewal Communities/' which are to be designated under the New Markets
  • for, the neW economy;, new markets for American products and American woTk­ . · ' ·ers;. . When I took office, the deficit for 1998 was p'r:ojeeted to be $357 billion apd heading higher. This year. our deficit is projected to be $10 ~inion and heading
  • . companies to see entirely new market opportunities opening up with the development of revolutionary ~ew technologies that break all of the traditional molds. second. these companies often are discovering that they can best take advantage of these new markets
  • to streamline those where eXDort !uowth potemiai lS efforrs, and redirect resources to , those markets. . greatest-, " ~ , The' of the Americas fits squarely into oucjoim imeres[ in expanding trade and -jobs by opening new markets and new
  • , and Idaho; cattle, swine, bovine embryos, and cherries. Just'llist month, our negotiators' : ,I , ' , , . I completed a bilateral protocol and work plan that will permit exports of U.S. grapes to China. I " This new market for U.S. grape producers
  • address last week, aggressive reform of agricultural trade will be at the heart of our agenda. In these negotiations, we have a unique opportunity to achieve our own interest in opening new: markets; strengthen guarantees of fairness for America's farm
  • together to sort out ~ll these issues, but we all have a responsibility to keep the public aware and informed for it is the people who will be the final arbiters. I SUST AINABLE AGRICULTURE But the ability of future generations to meet t:he demands of new
  • in intellecrual .. property protection, in opening up trade barriers. and providing for a free flow of products," "goods iUld services', ' " . ' rl1 Ute technology field, this is"extr3.ordinarily important to us. II all~;""s us to. grow and enter. new markets
  • enforcement activities. \Vhile the Clinton Administration has reached some 200 agreements in its first ter.n, it takes market opening activities in the form of missions, trade shows, and counseling of American business to help business take advantage of new
  • !oul on Saturday following five rounds of negotiatiom3. "I am pleasE~d that we have been able to conclude an agreement providing new market oppo~tunities for u.s .. beef exporters," said Kantor. "Wi! look forward· to complete liberalization
  • to sell U.S. goods and services in foreign markets, Ambassador Kantor stressed that the means toward this goal.~'have been to enter into agreements which open new markets to U.S. exports; monitor and enforce those agreements to ensure our trading partners
  • on IT products representing mbre than 90 percent of the telecommunications market; the FinancialjServices Agreement, which has helped U.S. service suppliers expand commercial operations arid find new market opportunities ard,und the world; the Basic
  • depends on our continued success in 0 ening up new markets 'and tearing down trade barriers. Failure to do otherwise would 11 ...'),. ,; '.,"-' .. ~' .~~h-.:._ :,,..~_ .. ',,-,, 4ftfo! .,.}­ hurt fanners, eity dwellers and our nation as a whole
  • are to continue to gro~' and prosper. then we must look for new markets -- and that means we need an open trading s~stem. Look at the facts: Since 1960. tariffs worldv,;idc ha\'c 4 fallen by 90% while global trade grew 1500% contributing to a quadrupling
  • the door to this tremendously exciting new market and new economic opportunities for our farmers, 1I Glickman said. "Just as important, the rules are going to clear up the confusion that sometimes exists in the minds of consumers, processors
  • in reach, connecting us to new markets and destinations around the globe; intermodal in fonn, enabling us to benefit from the collective strengths of the various individual modes of transport; intelligent in character, allowing us to harness the awesome
  • process. This has revolutionized the way grants are awarded. Operating under an accelerated timeline, COPS made a point of targeting new markets ­ including small jurisdictions that had never hefore applied for grants from the federal gov­ ernment. Thomas
  • case is an example of how antitrust enforcement can open j new markets for American businesses exporting services abroad. I " , I Two multi-billion dollar international joint venture>, BT/MCI and SprlntlFT/ClT, illustrate that the Division's merger
  • recommendations for the agency·wide FY94 natural gas program. Uack Siegel, FE·1, 586·1650). a NATURAL GAS-TO-liQUIDS PATENT In our program to develop new markets for natural gas, a Morgantown Energy Technology Center researcher has received a patent (or a novel
  • . concessional assistance will contribute to the development ·of democratic, market-based . economies which nurture new markets for US trade and investment. This Administration has been actively pushing for reforms at the Bank. To emphasize the need for reform
  • decline in defense spending, 3) Directly promote and subsidize the conversion of existing work pluces and preservation of existing jobs. This high-spending strategy would guarantee new markets for defense firms, subsidize their retooling, and provide
  • met with. scores of U , S , _ · businesspeople iment on winning new markets from the wave of state-owned companies which have been" or will be -- privatized. From them we gained · an appreciation for the fact that just because a state.-owned company
  • industry in efforts to maintain existing markets and expand new markets. Implemen­ tation of the Technology Transfer Act of 1988 has resulted in. among other changes. new authorities to enter into Technology Transfer Agreements with industrial firms. Within
  • March 1999, NTIA successfully organized the second China~U.s. Telecommunications Summit (CATS). This Summit was the second opportuplty to prescnt the U.S. policy on the need for tclecom and rr policy refonn, while also promoting new market opportunities
  • I ': • • • I I 1 ' : . I ,I mUlti-~ayeredand:in ! " Finally, Japan's many areas outdated distributioll system remains- an imped.ilment to: 'foreign firms and new market Emtrants. In many areas, ,it! is, e~traordinary costly. It is very
  • sucrifidngdomestic needs, And hy helping others to forge democf::'cy om of the ruins dictatorship, We -can old threats, prevent new (loeB. create new markets for US trnd;: or ---~.~- Principal Challenges To US Security Let me take II few moments to iXlnsider how
  • ! off a full-fledged "education tour" on the scale of your New Markets tour, However. we are planning a concerted, four-day push in early September to put education at the center of the budget debate as Congress returns and students go back to schoo
  • A vital calJ for higher standards, literacy for all third grade students; technological Iitera,y for all 6tp grade students; at least two years of college for all Americans and a. new market--oriented training program -- would together consititute a vital
  • of trade to agriculture, especially wheat interests; he focused on risk management and public/private partnerships in the new market-oriented era and the importance of conservatilon and research to agriculture's future a well as the railway tranSportation
  • . industr ies that are consistent export earners from the flagrant piracy' of' their products, and provides new markets for the products of U.S. workers in these industries. Throtigh full implementation of this Agreement:;, China will demonstrate that it qin
  • and CEO·. Chambers bas grown the company from $1.2 J,ilIion in annual revenues to its current run~rare of $10 billion+ by est3bJishing leadertlrip in key tecluJol.ogy sectorS of me networking industry and aggressively pursuing new market opportunities
  • and American Revolutiolls is a story of optimism and a cause for hope. If we arc determined to ensure that technology will create new johs and new markets new products and new services, then we can work to that end. f{.l!" If we arc delermined tlW
  • their market share after e-ntering a new market by acquisition. Studies indicate that when a local bank is acquired by a large out-of~market bank. there is normalty some loss of market share. The new owners are not able to retain all of the customers
  • not lead to exclusion of American businesses from important European markets. ': I, , . Supporting integration of new market democracies in Central Eur6pe, Southeastern Europe and the former Soviet Union into international economic institutions. , I 10int
  • technology providers, i~ependent software vendors, and hard~QF~ manufncrurert to create best-of-breed products that best serve the requirements of targeted customers. To reach new markets and deiiver more innovative products to our cu~1;omers. seQ will drive