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  • on work in specific empowerment zones or enterprise communities. Additional meetings with Freddie Mao should help to clarify their potential involvement. The group was able, however, to identify several areas to work on in the coming weeks to more clearly
  • localities as empowerment zones and enterprise communities, thus enabling them to receive certain Federal funds and other benefits fro~ the Federal Government~ other programs, old and neWt are similarly beneficial to local communities. These programs
  • Selection Crileri.: The Enterprise Board is cbarged with developing the selection criteria for designating empowerment zones and enterprise communities. The criteria must include consideration of the effectiveness of the strategic plans. tbe assurances
  • , existing programs that further the goals and objectives of Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities and make available funds from those programs for use in the designated EZ/ECs. Attached are instructions and the format for complying with this request
  • , • 10'98· The omnibus budget agreement passed by Congress contains $45 million in HUD funding for the 15 new Empowerment Zones. • 10'98 through '2198- The application of ~ach EZ designee was reviewed by at least eight different career civil servants
  • NEC – Empowerment Zones [4]
  • for an independent evaluation and enacting a sunset after 10 years SUMMARY OF ZONE INCENTIVES AND INVESTMENTS: In addition to enhanced flexibility to coordinate strategic plans, the 10 Empowerment Zones and the 100 Enterprise Communities will receive or be eligible
  • NEC – Empowerment Zones [2]
  • suggestions. I. Evaluation. The Departments of HOD and USDA wilt contract with a third-party evaluator to aSsess key aspects of the empowerment zone program. In particular, the cOntraclOr will review key clements of cmpowennent ZOne and enterprise community
  • of distressed communities. In addition, with respect to the empowerment zones and enterprise communities, I direct the Secratary of the Treasury, the Attorney General l the Secretary of the Interior, the se.cre,tary of Agriculture, ·the secretary of Comrnerce
  • .'ill! for business capltat access tn Empowerment Zone! and Enterprise Communities Proposal would result in coordinated technical assistance on Ibe ground for all 104 EZ's and ECs, with eacb EZ having a shop physically located in tbe zone and 2 10 3
  • , the Administration designated 105 comnmnitics in 42 states us Empowerment Zones or Enterprise Communities. The EZ/EC initiativt is one oi the few new Clint('11 Administmtion initiatives that is targeted to distre.
  • Brownlee 202-720-2091 ESPY JOINS CLINTON TO ANNOUNCE EMPOWERMENT ZONES AND ;ENTERPRISE COMMUNITII . ! . , I (Three of 15 Empowerment Zones and 30 of 95 Enterprise Communities are r~ral) J WASHINGTON, Dec., 21 -- President Clinton, joined by Vice
  • NEC – Empowerment Zones [3]
  • a11' prior urban initiatives, ' ( The Empowerment Zones competition has energized communities across the country and bui.1t iocal enthusiasm and momentum for tackling these problems, Over 500 cities arc expected to apply and are forming new
  • was right to support Clinton-Gore because their dream of prospenty was lnc.l.y.~!.y'~. Because they beHeved then, as they do now. that we cannot - should not, leave anyone behind" That is what the success of 1M Empowerment Zones end Enterprise Communities
  • NEC – Empowerment Zones [1]
  • str.ategy should include four main pillars: economic empowerment: zones; t::"ortJn\mity development: bank$; CRA and fair lending reform; and community partnerships against crime. This i8 only a portion of what your administrnt:ion hopes to accon".plish
  • to leave..a lasting-­ impact en inxesrmem in urban rural and NaljYe American distressed commtmities. Clearly this .trip could be done in the next five weeks in a way that would highlight your accomplishments such as CDFls, Empowerment Zones, CRA
  • to renew and revitalize underserved urban and rural communities -- overseeing the empowerment zone and enterprise community programs. He also pursued his personal commitment to family policy and fatherhood through annual family Rc~ Union conferences held
  • the zero capital gains tax and what we consider a duplication of the Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community program, !hat would be ) unacceptable. I hope you find the attached swnmary of tho major differences that we: object to and areas where we
  • involved mostly unfair and anticompetitive trade practices. USDA announced new price reporting initiatives to provide information about market forces affecting livestock prices. More than $54 million went to 3 rural empowerment zones and 30 enterprise
  • :' Empowcfmm:l ZQne~ will be able 10 connect 10 the lnternet -- aod students and leachers in these Empowerment Zones schools will be able to connect to each olher Attnchcd all: your 1l':lIInti..s, the srlipt for the mullimcdin show, h;u;kgmund on the nnnouneemcn
  • . ,;1Cre was general agreeJ!lcnt -- except for OMS -- On a two-tler proposal to create 10 n:sourct:--inlcnsive Economic Empowerment Zones and lOO less expensive Enterprise Neighborhoods. OMB has proposed a minimal-cost alternative and rtcommends using
  • within wbich communities can accomplish thing>< they could not otherwise accomplish, such as is now the in the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. = • By targeting its resourees, the federal government injecu public capital to produce
  • to distressed communities and to empower low-income entrepreneurs to create jobs and start new businesses, Along with reform or the Community Reinvestment Act . (CRA) and the Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Initiative, the CDBFI Act serves
  • Arkansas Enterprise Community and the EnhHPrise Cor'paralion 01 the Della wiU create II $4 million loan lUnd that willlev8raga an additional $2 million (rom private sources. The fund willlarg6llinanc:· Ing to uooerserved small businesses in east At1
  • an identifiable community that meets criteria of distress as determined by the Fund, or is designated as an empowerment zone or enterprise community under section 1391 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. section 4. Establishment ot Hational FUn4 for community
  • still prqviding compensation for the uncertainty of thei~ work hours~ o Permanently extends customs service merchandise and passenger o Funds 9 empowerment zones and 100 enterprise communities. The bill contains $2.5 ,billion in t;ax incentives
  • EMPOWERMENT ZONES Text & Summary of Law ... EMPOWERMENT ZONES AND ENTERPRISE COMMUNITIES Details of Budget Reconciliation Provisions A. Competitive Deslgnatlon Process • DeslgnaUng Secretari..: The Secretary of HUD wi!! designate
  • as Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. Over 70 USDA employees representing each mission area, as well as employees from other Departments and Agencies, will engage in a comprehensive review. . Health Care Reform Assistant Secretary for Food
  • Rominger, and I continue to c;my the Administration's message on proposed budget rescissions through meetings with Members of Congress, constituent groups, and the media. Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Commu'nity (EZ/EC) Update A USDA Rural Economic
  • lending approaches to financing homes in ru~al areas. The working group met to review requests from Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities, and Champiori Communities to develop and participate in demonstration projects to increase homeownership through
  • : By permanently extending the housing tax credit for new or substantially rehabilitated low-income rental housing, and providing more generous rules for projects developed in the 110 empowerment zones and enterprise communities that will be designated, the plan
  • -66, tne Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community statute. are due by June .30. 1994. The statute authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to consult with you in considering rural. applications. The USDA hotline for potential applicants is '-800-645-4712
  • ). The Minnesota waiver would exempt 8 Indian Reservations, in addition to other areas of the State already approved ba.sed on an LSA designation or unemployment rates exceeding 10 percent.. • USDA Assists Enterprise Community: Last week, a partnership between
  • and Williams Associates, Inc. to construct a • new 10-screen, state-of-the-art theater in Calexico, CA, in the Imperial Valley Enterprise Community. Also in Calexico, USDA loaned over $1.89 million to the Garcia Family Trust for real estate refinancing, saving
  • million subordinatedlban from the Empowerment Zone. It will generate around S180 million in retail sales[ According to one study, 60 percent of retail spending leaves the community - equall to almost Sl billion annually. And it should produce approximately
  • p'atterned roug/zly after tIll! Administration's IdgM), successful empowerment zone program. , 2. Eusure that the federal governme1lt e:'«,m:ises leadersllip in the use 0/j1rodtJctit'e leamillg techllologies iufederal programs .. technology should
  • for Urban Empowennent Zones and $15 million for Rural Enterprise Zones and Enterprise Communities. . ./ Continuing Build a Network Of Community Development Banks Across the Nation: The final budget includes $95 million for the Community Development
  • the s.trategic plan that the area was required to agree to as part of the empowerment zone (or enterprise community) designation process. Ifwe wanted this proposed credit also to be available for sponsorship of public schools or . technology centers outside
  • of the President's Empowerment Zones ' and Enterprise Communities program; , • RDA ;also instituted a new program to assist with the diversification of businesses in! traditiom111y agricultural-based communities; • Rural Efectrification Administration (REA
  • -memberevaluation team for empowerment zone and enterprise community applications. PRESS , Public Affairs Division staff faxed the text of your remarks on diversity to ,local minority media outlets Including BET and Johnson Publications. W e ' anticipate limited
  • leadership to this effort in the Department. USDA plans to have its work on Phase II of the NPR completed by April 1. National Service During his visit to 'the Kentucky Highlands Empowerment Zone on January 13, Vice President Gore recognized the work of six
  • . Empowerment ZODes Round 2. Build on the President's communll,y empowerment efforts by creating greate opportunity and private-seclor investment in additional dis.tress~ communities: :0 additional Empowerment Zones OS urban, 5 rural or Indian nation) and 80
  • across the country will be awarded U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) One Stop capital Shop (OSCS) locations as part of the clinton Administration's Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community initiative. SBA Administrator Philip Lader announced today
  • incentives to build on the Administration's Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community programs. Fourtb. the plan wilt draw on Federal technical expertise to help make the city goverrut1ent more effective in such areas as income tax collection. education
  • Shops In Four Empowerment Zones I 00-57 6113100 SSA Expands Women's Business Center Network to 93 Centers 00-51 611iOO SBA-National Association of Gay and Lesbian Community Centers Partnershlp to Focus on Small Business Information 1 I 0041 5
  • -designated Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities, in Hispanic colonias on the nation's southwestern border, and on Native American reservations and Alaskan Native villages, USDA Surpasses Its D.C. Federal Jobs Initiative Commitment: Under the D.C
  • a sense of community: worker trainin, and retraining. educational reform, Head Stan, NatioMl Service. health reform l Empowerment Zones. ~mmunlty development banb~ cOmmunity policing, violence pre.vention and more. Welfare reform is a piece of a larger
  • DEPARTME~T NEWS' • USDA Announces'EZIEC Communities: On January 13, Secretary Glickman joined Vice President Gore in a White House ceremony announcing 5 new rural empowerment zones and 20 new rural enterprise communities. ' • USDA AnJiIOunces Details
  • as part of the National Performance Review; you should go further. and require. sunset for all new initiatives. On. example of where the .Administration has.a1ready dODe this is the Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Initiative. in which the tax
  • '~nvironment:ally contaminated land in certain area",. I alii disappointed, however, that this provision is scheduled to sunset after 3 years. My 1993 tax plan included certain tax incentives for nine empowerment zones and 95 enterprise communities. Over 500
  • ea!'lier today. He and the Vice Preside:1t have done a wonderful job with our empowerment zone program and the other HUD economic develcprr.ent. initiatives. j I want to say a special word of appreciation here today to the nembers of Congress who
  • of the Vice President, to coordinate Fedcral Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Communities uctivlties. In June 2QOO, the Community Etnpowermc;n Bourd held its annu
  • care closer to home. The grants will improve the educational. opportunities to over 95,000 school children and expand the health services available to approximately 108,000 rural Americans. 3 Empowennent Zones/Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) Update
  • , as well as several agricultural trade-related issues, including the EU ban on hormoI).e fed beef; and the growth of trade in genetically modified organisms. • Secretary to Address Empowerment Zone Conference: On May 24 and 25, Secretary Glickman
  • (based on population), much as they do currently with low-income housing tax credits. The States could allocate the cn~dits for projects in public schools located in empowerment zones, enterprise communities or that have a high percentage oflow-income
  • here right now. I get to talk about l empowennent, but it's the people in this room and beyond who give that word its meaning. When most folks think of empowelent zones and enterprise communities, more often than not, they think of places like Detroit
  • that the Rural Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) initiative has topped more than $1 billion in investments during the past five years, in some of the nation's most depressed rural areas. III. UPCOMING GRANTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS. Pest
  • Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZIECs)Top $2 Billion: On September 14, the Benchmark Management System logged $2 billion dollars in leveraged funds received by rural EZs and ECs. The milestone was achieved during the end of the FYOO benchmark
  • Empowerment Zone and I Enterprise Community initiative. Special disaster-relief projects will also bell run in the eight Midwf:st states most impacted by last summer's record flood~~ , I! , USDA AMERICORPS SITES (To start operation September 1994) ANTI
  • of crops through a new bloenergy program; and fundmg for rural Empowerment Zones and. Enterprise Communities. On the tbde side, for the third year in a row, I am seeking the authority to redirect unused money from the; Export Enhancement Programto more
  • ofthis program which1is an essential component of the Administration's Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities initiative. We strongly urge the House to fully fund this initiative that was recently enacted with strong bipartisan sUjJport as past
  • p.trcntaJ rcspoosiblity: Lasting legacy I" Deficit Reduction: "Entitlement "Deficit Reduction Trust Fund 2, Economic Development and Job Crcatlon "75% Incrc;\s in Small Business expensing -m;w smull business capital gains •Empowerment Zones "l
  • , the Administrations' response to this need has been highly successful: boosting business Investment and job creation through empowcnnent zones and enterprise communities. We propose these further steps: (1) Round III Empowerment ZoneslEnterprise Communities. Round J
  • on a competitive ba~is to­ "(A) local educational agencies that have at least one school in the geographic area served by the agency that­ "(i) is located in an a:ea designa:ed as an empowerment zone under part I of sub
  • their upfront costs ~, downpayment and closing costs) and investors would. receive tax credits in return. The second proposal is a $5,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers in Empowerment Zones or Enterprise Communities. 8. Housing for the Elderly Initiative
  • ~on, I serve as a member of the Cabinet-~eve~ Empowerment Board to ensore the smooth implementation of the Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Communities legislation passed by the Congress this year. This legislation is vitally important to those areas
  • development for 'Iacademies" based on school~busincss partnerships in empowerment zones and empowerment communities or high-povcrty schools in other arcus, and (2) an expansion of the Work OpportUnity Tax Credit to benefit employers who hire graduates within
  • and $2_5 biUion in new -credit :-vil1 be made available for low- and moderate- income communities and the initialive win create ~tween 40,000· and 80.000 new jobs. TIlE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BANKING INDUSTRY Many enterprising communities have come up
  • ~werment Zone ,and Enterprise Community initiative. The continued commitmenfof staff and additional program funds and the promjJt responses' to requests for vwivers and barrier removal have been - and will continue to be - critical to the success
  • Urban and environmental initiatives. The President proposes to expand the number of enterprise zones (EZs) and enterprise communities (ECs), and to liberalize the tax treatment . of expenses for environmental remediation of contaminated sites
  • the nation's capital. • Empowerment ZonelEnterprise Community Update: Two rural business grants totaling over $476,000 were made to the Sunnyside, WA, part of the Lower Yakima County Enterprise Community, to fund the extension otwater and sewer lines
  • community and bJVC results ~hat are measurable, The loc:;11 initiatives promofc alternative uscs of HOME, CDnG and Enterprise Community funds and lise the Home­ nwnen.hip Zones and CDBG Neighborhood Reviulizarion SrrarC"gies w result in affordable
  • and Universities. Enhancing Economic Developmenl • Indian ;eservations would be eligible to compete for designations, under the President's proposed second round of Empowenneot Zones and Enterprise Communities. Potential benefits include access TO "brown field