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4 results

  • to Announcement of the AIDS Czar (partial) (2 pages) n.d. P61b(6) 010. note Re: Richard Socarides (partial) (1 page) n.d. P61b(6) OIl. note Re: Rocco Claps (partial) (l page) n.d. P61b(6) 012. note Re: Gary Noble (partial)(l page) n.d. P61b(6) P
  • and Bush Admihistrations and the wife of former Defense Secretary Dick Ch1eney. (US News. 7/5/93) I Choosing the AIDS Czar, Clinton-Style" is the title of an item to appear in this w~ek's Time. According to Time: "Bill Clinton dallied for months before
  • the transition period. E. Importance of prevention The developing propqsal pl(lces high emphasis on prevention and includes innovative ways of se~uring funding for it. F. Appointment of an AIDS Czar/Czarina We have not discusse'd. .,' S~i BY: DHHS/HRSAlBPHC