This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings on Somalia in 1993. Materials include a July 12, 1993 report concerning Somali warlord General Aideed and a December 7, 1993…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on correspondence between President Clinton and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder between October 27, 1998 and December 21, 1999. Materials include a National Security Council Records…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on correspondence between President Clinton and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. Materials include a letter from Secretary of Defense William Cohen to German Minister of Defense Volker Ruehe…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on correspondence between President Clinton and French President Francois Mitterrand between January 20, 1995 and May 17, 1995. Materials include a March 19, 1995 cable transmitting a message…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on memcons and telcons between President Clinton and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Materials include two copies of a cover memorandum from Lawrence Butler to Samuel Berger on February…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on NATO expansion from the NSC Records Management System. Materials include a chart illustrating trends in Bosnian Serb shelling of Sarajevo and a biography of Polish Minister of Foreign…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings concerning NATO expansion from 1993 to 1999. Materials include a list of East European and CIS forces available for…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings on China. Materials include agendas for the November 10, 1993 meeting of the Principals Committee and the February 6, 1995…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on meetings between President Clinton and/or Vice President Gore and President Arpad Goncz of Hungary from 1993 to 2000. Materials include biographies of President Goncz and President Michal…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program from the NSC Records Management System (RMS). Materials include memoranda from 1994 through 1996 regarding the Nunn-Lugar Program in…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings concerning the apprehension of Bosnian war criminals from 1996 to 2001. Materials include two papers from the DC meeting on…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings on Bosnia from 1993 to 1995. Materials include Department of Defense papers, memoranda, and reports regarding the Bosnian…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Rwanda from the files of Jennifer Ward, National Security Council African Affairs director. Materials include a Department of Defense memo regarding policy toward Angola.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on a November 28, 1997 memorandum of conversation between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains conversations (memcons and telcons) between President Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, from 1997 through 2000. Topics of discussion include Northern Ireland, Iraq, and…
This Freedom of Information Act request contains material on Henry Kissinger. Material includes a memorandum of conversation between Kissinger and President Clinton from 1995.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings on China. Material includes a memo from the Secretary of Energy regarding an upcoming Chinese nuclear weapon test.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on a September 1995 visit of Albanian President Sali Berisha. Material includes a memorandum of conversation from the September meeting.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings on Bosnia from 1993 through 1995. Materials include papers, memos, talking points, and reports on the crisis in…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Tony Blair, specifically on President Clinton's meetings and correspondence with the Prime Minister from 1997 through 2000. Material includes memos, letters, and talking points on a variety…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on peacekeeping from 1993 and what would later become PDD-25 (Peacekeeping policy). Material includes Department of Defense memos regarding recommended changes to the peacekeeping PDD.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on John Major, specifically on President Clinton's meetings with the Prime Minister from 1993 through 1995. Included are letters from Prime Minister Major to President Clinton regarding trade…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on correspondence between the National Security Advisor (or Deputy), regarding Haiti, from 1993 through 1994. Included is a Department of Defense paper on the role of the United Nations in…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on documents regarding military operations against Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998. Included is head of state correspondence between President Clinton and various world leaders, including Russian…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings on the apprehension of Bosnian war criminals, between 1996 thru 2001. Included is a Department of Defense memo to the National…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on a Principals Committe (PC) meeting on North Korea from May 20, 1994. Included is the PC summary of conclusions and a background memo to National Security Advisor Anthony Lake regarding the…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings on Bosnia from 1993 thru 1995. Included is a Department of Defense paper on reinforcing the U.N. protection force in Bosnia…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on peacekeeping from 1993 and what would later become PDD-25 (Peacekeeping policy). Material includes a note from NSC Global Affairs director Richard Clarke to National Security Advisor Anthony…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on John Major, specifically on President Clinton's meetings with the Prime Minister from 1993 thru 1995. Memos to President Clinton from Secretary of State Warren Christopher and briefing…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on correspondence between the National Security Advisor (or Deputy), regarding Haiti, from 1993 thru 1994. Included is a Department of Defense memo from April 1994 regarding military tasks for…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) meetings regarding Bosnia from 1993 thru 1995. Included are summaries of conclusions from various PC/DC meetings.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on communications between President Clinton and various world leaders regarding military intervention in Haiti in 1994. Talking points for telelphone conversations with the Belgian, Bolivian,…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on a memorandum of conversation (memcon) between President Clinton and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, from December 2, 1998. The December memcon is included.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on Bosnia related documents from the summer of 1995 referenced in the book, Getting to Dayton. Material includes a memo from National Security Advisor Anthony Lake to President Clinton…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on memcons and telcons between President Clinton and King Hussein of Jordan from 1993 thru 1994. Telcons between President Clinton and King Hussein regarding peace negotiations between Israel…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on memcons and telcons between President Clinton and Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic from 1993 thru 1995. Also included is a "pull-aside" memcon with President Clinton and Serbian President…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on communications between President Clinton and various world leaders regarding military force against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between October 1998 and April 1999. Material includes…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on communications between President Clinton and various world leaders regarding air strikes against Iraq in December 1998. Correspondence between President Clinton and Russian President Boris…