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  • Creator is exactly "Sharon Farmer"
President Clinton talks to Former President Bush in the Yellow Oval Room of the White House Residence before the White House Historical Association 200th Anniversary Dinner
President Clinton, Prime Minster Tony Blair, David Trimble, Seamus Mallon and Lord Mayor David Alderdice address the Assemby of Northern Ireland in the Main Auditorium at Waterfront Hall

President Clinton poses with his mother Virginia Kelley in the Oval Office
Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame Musician John Fogerty performs at the VH1 Save the Music "Concert of the Century" at the White House

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses the keynote speech at the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing, China.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton talks to press in the United Nations Television Room at the United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing, China.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers a speech at the Colloquium on Women and Health Safety, sponsored by the World Health Organization in Beijing, China.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses the keynote speech at the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing, China.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses the keynote speech at the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing, China.
President Clinton addresses the 119th Commencement ceremony for the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Graduation Class at Nitchman Field
President Clinton greets troops during his visit to Tuzla Air Force Base in Bosnia-Herzegovina
President Clinton greets a survivor of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study on African-American men.
Elton John and Stevie Wonder both perform for President Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair and guests at the State Dinner for the Prime Minister. The performance took place in the West Terrace tent at the White House.
President Clinton signs S.1316, Safe Drinking Water Amendments Act of 1996, in the East Room on August 6, 1996
President Clinton addresses the people of Londonderry on the city square
President Clinton addresses the people of Londonderry on the city square

President Clinton traveling on Air Force One to Amman, Jordan with former President Gerald R. Ford, former President Jimmy Carter and former President George H.W. Bush for the funeral of King Hussein I of Jordan

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Colonel Eileen Collins, and President William Jefferson Clinton in the Oval Office on March 5, 1998

Watching a successful launch of space shuttle Discovery from the roof of the NASA Launch Control Center are (left to right) President William Jefferson Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Astronaut Robert Cabana. October 29, 1998.

President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, President Jerry John Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings raise their arms together on the dais in Accra, Ghana.
President Clinton with employees of the Hermitage Tomato Co-op in Bradley County, Arkansas. This visit was a stop on the President's New Markets tour.
President Clinton with shop owners and vendors of the Sweet Auburn Market in Atlanta, Georgia. President Clinton toured the market and participated in a discussion with city officials and constituents during this stop on his New Markets tour.
President Clinton talks with merchants and customers inside McErlean's bakery on Falls Road in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
President Clinton tours the town of Tyner, Kentucky with resident Jean Collet. This visit to the Appalachian region was part of the President's New Markets tour.
President Clinton shaking hands with Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams in the Falls Road District, Belfast
President Clinton receives a crystal bowl of shamrocks from Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds on St. Patrick's Day. Participants include: VP Gore, Tony Lake, and Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith. P.M. Reynolds wears a bunch of shamrocks in his lapel.…

President Clinton greets the large crowd on the rope line following his address to the people of Ghana in Accra.
President Clinton greets Gerry Adams outside a business in East Belfast Enterprise Park
Close-up photo of President Clinton and SDLP leader John Hume.

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President Clinton and President Nelson Mandela looking out from the Cell Block B Prison bars on Robben Island in South Africa.

President Clinton visiting with former President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter during the Medal of Freedom ceremony at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
Panoramic view of the street scene during President Clinton's visit to the Omagh bombing site
President Clinton joins Neal Lane and the staff of the Office of Science and Technology for a group photo outside on the steps of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB)
President Clinton joins the National Security Council staff for a group photo at the South Portico of the White House.
President Clinton plays the saxophone with jazz musicians at the 14th anniversary of the Newport Jazz Festival on the South Grounds
Crowd greeting President Clinton's motorcade in the Falls Road District, Belfast
Crowd waiting to greet President Clinton's motorcade in the Falls Road District, Belfast
President Clinton's motorcade travels through East Belfast
Views of the people lined up on the streets of Belfast to watch President Clinton's motorcade pass through the city

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Memorial Day service in the Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery

President Clinton delivers remarks at the Memorial Day ceremony in the Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery
President Clinton paints a wall with a roller paint brush during the renovation of Cardozo High School in Washington, DC on a day a service for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
President Clinton greets students volunteering and working on the renovation of Cardozo High School in Washington, DC on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
President Clinton greets students volunteering and working on the renovation of Cardozo High School in Washington, DC on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
President Clinton addresses a Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Service at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
President Clinton attends a Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Service at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is seated with Coretta Scott King and Dexter King.
President Clinton is introduced by two children: Catherine Hamill, a Catholic and David Sterrett, a Protestant
President Clinton hugs a young girl named Catherine Hamill on the dais at the Mackie Plant in Belfast
Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, Secretary of Education Richard Riley and President Clinton's Step-Father Dick Kelley are seated next to each other at the Mackie Plant event in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
President Clinton delivers remarks to employees and others at the Mackie Plant in Belfast
Mackie Plant employees watch and applaud the leaders at the plant event
Lord Lieutenant of Londonderry Sir Michael McCorkell greeting President Clinton on the tarmac.
Panoramic photo of crowd in Guildhall Square
Panoramic photo of crowd in Guildhall Square
Close-up photo of President Clinton shaking hands with the crowd.
Behind view of a boy holding American flags in each hand.
A group of girls greet President Clinton with American flags.
SDLP Leader John Hume introduces President Clinton who is seen laughing with the crowd.
A crowd greets the Presidents with American flags in Guildhall Square.
A woman greeting the President and First Lady's arrival by waving an American flag in Guildhall Square.
President Clinton talks on the telephone regarding Kosovo in the Oval Office Dining Room
Joni Mitchell plays with Buddy the dog in the Oval Office
President Clinton and Joni Mitchell conversing in the Oval Office
Musician Joni Mitchell greets President Clinton in the Oval Office
President Clinton and Prime Minister John Major of the United Kingdom deliver press statements in front of #10 Downing Street, London
President Clinton and Prime Minister John Major of the United Kingdom deliver press statements in front of #10 Downing Street, London
President Clinton participates in a Joint Press Conference with President Mandela at Cape Town, South Africa
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton watch the annual National Mall Independence Day fireworks from the roof of the White House

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton walks and talks with Admiral Richard Macke on the tarmac before deparing Hickam Air Force Base.
Secretary of Education Richard Riley addresses a Goals 2000 Education event on the South Lawn at the White House. He is joined on the dais by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Tipper Gore, Secretary of Education Richard Riley and…

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton talking with reporters and staff aboard her flight to Guam.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton talks with Lissa Muscatine and Melanne Verveer on the grounds of the Entandweni Lower Primary School in Zondi, Soweto, South Africa.
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton posing next to the 1999 White House Christmas tree for a family Christmas portrait
President Clinton signs Executive Order 12898, Federal Action to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low Income Populations in the Oval Office. Participants include: Vice President Gore, Rep. John Lewis, Carol Browner, Attorney…
Art Garfunkel, his wife Kim and son James chat in the Diplomatic Reception Room before an official photograph with President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton at the annual Easter Egg Roll Reception
Nancy Soderberg, Mike McCurry, Bruce Lindsey and other Senior Staff ride in staff van to a business owners event in East Belfast area of the city.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton poses for a photo with guests at the Colloquium on Women and Health Security in Beijing, China
President Clinton receives a water sample from a young girl during the Clean Water Act event
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton posing next to the 2000 White House Christmas tree for their official Christmas portrait
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton posing next to the 1999 White House Christmas tree for their official Christmas portrait
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton posing next to the 1998 White House Christmas tree for their official Christmas portrait
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton posing next to the 1996 White House Christmas tree for their official Christmas portrait

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President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton attend a campaign rally at the Old State House in Little Rock, Arkansas. President Clinton addresses the rally.

President Clinton with George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, Gerald Ford, Betty Ford, Nancy Reagan and Lady Bird Johnson posing for photographs in the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas
President Clinton greets Former President Bush on the podium at the George Bush Presidential Library Dedication Ceremony in College Station, Texas
President Clinton, Former President's George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford waving to the crowd at the George Bush Library Dedication Ceremony in College Station, Texas
President Clinton with Former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford posing for photographs in the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas
President Clinton and Prince Philip inspect the Queen's Guard at Buckingham Palace, London
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton award Ray Charles a National Medal of Arts on the South Lawn

President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Albert Gore, and Eli Segal participate in an Americorps National Service event on the North Portico of the White House. Americorps Youth Service members cheer each other at the…
Hillary Rodham Clinton shakes hands with new members of the Americorps Youth Service Program at an event on the North Portico
President Clinton holds a young boy in his arms following his address to the people of Guam
A girl sitting on the shoulders of her father holding an American flag close to her face.